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Satire News: Tom Brady Provides Detailed Analysis Of How Easy

SATIRE NEWS: Tom Brady Provides Detailed Analysis Of How Easy It Would Be For Him To Take Dak Prescott’s Job

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CLEVELAND—Covering the Browns vs. Cowboys game for his highly anticipated Fox Sports broadcasting debut, Tom Brady provided a detailed analysis Sunday of how easy it would be for him to take Dallas quarterback Dak Prescott’s job. “As someone who competed in the NFL against Dak for seven seasons, I know his game very well, and let me just say, with one quick text to Jerry Jones, I could be on the field as the Cowboys starting quarterback next week,” said Brady, who, along with his broadcasting partner Kevin Burkhardt, then proceeded to pull up a screen and scrawl the words “Tom Brady” and “just show up” to diagram exactly how he would come out of retirement for a second time and immediately steal Prescott’s job, title, and four-year, $160 million contract. “First, I’d exert pressure on the coaching staff by saying ‘seven Super Bowl wins.’ Then, I’d make a big fuss about how I’ve been having second thoughts about this whole sports broadcaster thing. Fast-forward a couple of days, and I’m in Dallas wearing a Cowboy’s jersey and the whole team is calling me ‘Captain Tom Brady.’ Watch. I could do it right now.” At press time, Brady also provided a detailed analysis of how easy it would be for him to take Prescott’s girlfriend and get the quarterback’s daughter to call him “Dad.” 

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