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WASHINGTON—In protest of the publication’s coverage of the Signal breach, President Donald Trump announced Thursday that he had canceled his subscription to The Atlantic after 48 years as a loyal reader. “Their more literary stuff remains unimpeachable, but I just can’t stand their political reporting anymore,” said the commander-in-chief, who confirmed that he had just wrapped up a phone call with the magazine’s customer care team and had even rejected their offer of three months free. “Their long-form journalism has stayed on point for years, long after most publications abandoned anything longer than 1,000 words, so it’s a real shame. It’s Mother Jones for me from now on. That, or I try n+1. I’ve been hearing really good things about it from Hegseth.” At press time, a frustrated Trump was reportedly trying to get around The Atlantic’s paywall to read an article about Ali Smith’s new novel, Gliff.