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Politics: What Did Michael Gordon Jackson (saskatchewan) Know In Trying

POLITICS: What did Michael Gordon Jackson (Saskatchewan) know in trying so much to shield his daughter from the Malone Bourla mRNA vaccine? What did Canadian/US truckers know that made them say no? What did I

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The post What did Michael Gordon Jackson (Saskatchewan) know in trying so much to shield his daughter from the Malone Bourla mRNA vaccine? What did Canadian/US truckers know that made them say no? What did I first appeared on USSA News | The Tea Party’s Front Page.. Visit

How could Bhattacharya get it so wrong on the COVID vaccine that the Canadian trucker got so right? What data was he looking at to say it was safe? Good for elderly? How did UK’s John Campbell get it so wrong initially on the vaccine? That these people got it so wrong and so many followed them and took the shot? Shilling for the vaccine yet we were all looking at the same evidence and they were so wrong. That Malone who was involved in the mRNA technology with Weissman et al. could openly lie about the benefits and safety even lying about taking the shot, shilling to drive you to take it? How come? And you ‘follow’ these people? How could they remain so very silent on key issues that had they spoken up, had Malone spoken up early on many would be alive today. Was he incentivized to remain silent? Was Kariko? Weissman? When did Bourla know it was harmful, or Bancel?…why was he Malone, and they, silent? They knew their mRNA technology in the mRNA vaccine as well as the vaccine itself and the complete lipid-nano particle (fatty lipid ball) delivery platform was never safety-tested and for any duration that could exclude harms. Yet why did they lead people to slaughter by being silent?

They knew. It is unforgiveable. They as well as those proponents of the lockdowns harmed people by their words and positions. How did they get it so very wrong e.g. Campbell, Weinstein etc. when regular mom and pop fly over country, blue collar worker, factory worker persons, high school educated persons had it so very right? How come?

How did Michael Gordon Jackson (of Regina, Saskatchewan) get it so right that he would do all he could as a loving father, to prevent his daughter from being COVID mRNA vaccinated with the COVID shot, that he early on understood enough from the media, from what he was hearing in the news, in the community, trusted his common sense and gut, and simple wanted to do as any good parent would, as I would do, and would have done, that is, protect his daughter from something that never and up to today, has not been safety tested and still remains under emergency use authorization. How could he get it so right and Bhattacharya get it so wrong? Campbell? Weinstein? Jha? Fauci? Malone?

How could Malone be such a blatant open serial liar? Here he knew he was lying and being fraudulent to the public. Where is and was this data Bob? We are still waiting to see it.

Alexander COVID News_a PCR manufactured fake COVID pandemic is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

Click this link for the original source of this article.
Author: Dr. Paul Alexander

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The post What did Michael Gordon Jackson (Saskatchewan) know in trying so much to shield his daughter from the Malone Bourla mRNA vaccine? What did Canadian/US truckers know that made them say no? What did I first appeared on USSA News | The Tea Party’s Front Page.. Visit

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