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Manhattan DA Files CONTEMPT Motion Against President Trump, Wants JAIL Time! * * by Vince Quill

NEWS HEADLINES: Manhattan DA Files CONTEMPT Motion Against President Trump, Wants JAIL Time! * * by Vince Quill

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It can’t get much more corrupt than this—they want to conduct lawfare without even so much as a peep from the victim.

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has filed a contempt of court motion against President Trump.

Bragg alleges that President Trump broke a gag order against him imposed by Trump-hating Judge Juan Merchan.

Now, the Manhattan DA is asking the court to impose a fine on the former President as well as potential jail time should he choose to continue breaking these gag orders.

Will this stop the former President from speaking out against the tyranny? Of course not! It only makes this kangaroo court look even more suspect to the American people. Here’s more on the story:

Newsweek provided background context on the gag order:

In March, Merchan imposed a gag order on Trump, barring him from making public statements about witnesses, including Cohen and Daniels, as well as lawyers and staff in the case and their families.

The order excluded Merchan and Bragg.

It was later expanded to include Merchan’s and Bragg’s families after Trump made blistering attacks toward the judge’s daughter, Loren Merchan.

“Imagine going to jail over a tweet. DA Alvin Bragg wants to hurt Donald Trump as much as possible, and make him feel it.

Today, Bragg filed a motion to hold Trump in contempt, accusing him of violating a gag order.

Bragg wants to prevent Trump from speaking about the trial and doing so could land Trump in jail. The process is the punishment,” Ian Miles Cheong commented:

Axios added:

Judge Juan Merchan, who is overseeing Trump’s New York criminal trial, scheduled a hearing for April 23 over prosecutors’ request to hold the former president in contempt.

This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.

View the original article here.

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