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Travel & Lifestyle: 32 Products Reviewers Love After Trying Everything

Travel & Lifestyle: 32 Products Reviewers Love After Trying Everything Else

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Some Goo Gone that’ll cut through sticky residue, grease, gum, glue and other gooey messes

There’s nothing worse than feeling that slimy layer and watching your usual cleaning attempts fall short of removing it all — with this stuff, it’s about to be a thing of the past.

Promising review
: “I bought this Goo Gone bottle to deal with stickers that I cannot remove from my potted plants. I would try everything: warm water, scraping them off, etc, and there would always be a little stickiness left on the sides of the plant pots, it drove me wild. The Goo Gone immediately removed all the offending sticker bits. I since have used it for a variety of things: removing stickers from shoes, various plastics, even glass.

Where this product really came in handy in an unexpected way was cleaning the top of my kitchen cabinets. The previous homeowner had not cleaned the tops of the cabinets in the kitchen before moving, possibly ever, and there was a nasty, thick layer of grime coating the top that was composed of a mixture of dust and grease from cooking, among who knows what else. I tried cleaning it with a rag and Pine Sol, hot water, Clorox wipes, etc. and nothing could adequately remove the layer of grossness. Finally, I had the bright idea to try this stuff, and it vastly improved the removal of gunk. After getting the main layer off, I was able to clean it with other cleaning products.” — FlowersInSpring

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