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The apodyterium (changing room) discovered in the Roman bathhouse.

SCIENCE & TECH: ‘Once-in-a Century’ Find Shows How Decadent Roman Elites Lived it Up in Pompeii

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In the doomed city of Pompeii, the decadence and degeneracy of wealthy Roman aristocrats was legendary. At this elite mecca Rome’s rich and famous indulged themselves without restraint, shamelessly putting the Roman Empire’s inequality on full display for all to see.

The reality of the immense class divide in Rome has been demonstrated once again, as British archaeologists involved in extensive excavations at Pompeii have unearthed what they call a “once-in-a-century” find, in the form of a luxurious private bathhouse that was decorated with expensive artwork and featured large hot, warm and cold rooms and a huge pool. Its discoverers are saying this is likely the largest private bathhouse ever unearthed in Pompeii, which is not a distinction to be taken lightly.

This spa-like complex was installed in the interior of an expansive elite residence, which the archaeological team has been slowly excavating over the past two years. As is often the case at Pompeii, this large home and its various sections have been supremely well-preserved, protected from decay by the layers of ash that buried it following the catastrophic eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD.

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