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The extraordinary Alexander Mosaic, a prized artifact rescued from the ruins of Pompeii, has an origin story that is almost as interesting as the story of the legendary man it portrays. Just as Alexander the Great’s Macedonian Empire extended from the Balkans region to modern-day Pakistan, the Alexander mosaic was comprised of an astonishing two million pieces mined from quarries all across Europe, ranging from the Italian Peninsula in the east to the Iberian Peninsula in the west. Some of the pieces even came from as far away as Tunisia, showing just how much time, effort, and money its Roman owner was willing to spend to produce a masterpiece.
Until now, the truth about the broad geographical origin of the tiles of the mosaic was suspected, but not known for sure. But in a new study just published in the journal PLOS One, all the facts about the sources of the pieces that comprise this ancient masterpiece have finally been revealed.