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SCIENCE & TECH: Microsoft Edge could soon tell you which browser extensions are dragging you down – and let you speed things up with a click

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Microsoft Edge has steadily been seeing improvements over the course of the year, and a fresh innovation in testing promises to boost the performance of the browser. It does so by keeping a close eye out for any misbehaving extensions which are consuming too much in the way of resources.

Neowin spotted the introduction of the feature called ‘extension performance detector’ in Edge (Canary v130, meaning an early test version), which warns you if any browser extensions are slowing down Edge repeatedly over time.

The notification that pops up as a warning when this happens tells you how much slowdown your browser extensions are causing, and breaks down the impact of each extension, with the worst offenders at the top. You can hit a button to turn off any of these extensions right there and then to improve your browser’s performance.

(Image credit: Shutterstock/ – Yuri A)

Extensions can be really useful – but they can also carry potential pitfalls

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