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Image from page 321 of "Jesus of Nazareth: His life and teachings; founded on the four Gospels, and illustrated by reference to the manners, customs, religious beliefs, and political institutions of His times" (1869), by Lyman Abbot.

SCIENCE & TECH: Experts Have Discovered Jesus’ Real Name, Which Was Not Jesus

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The name “Jesus Christ” is one of the most recognizable on Earth. However, experts now suggest that this might not have been the actual name of the central figure of Christianity. Scholars assert that the name “Jesus” would not have been used by him in his native language, Aramaic, which differs greatly from the modern version we are familiar with. In fact, the name “Jesus” contains letters that did not appear in the written language until about 1,500 years after his death.

Throughout Christianity’s two millennia of history, the original name of Jesus has been obscured by numerous translations and transliterations. The name journeyed from Aramaic to Hebrew, then to Greek and Latin, before eventually reaching an English translation in the 16th century. Additionally, experts believe that Jesus’ last name was not “Christ,” but rather based on his hometown.

Based on what the scholars involved in this research know now, they believe his real name was likely “Yeshu Nazareen.”

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