New York: Thursday, March 27, 2025
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Politics: want to fight jew hate, dems? reject the icc's bibi

POLITICS: Want to fight Jew-hate, Dems? Reject the ICC’s Bibi blood libel

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If Democrats ever care to show they actually do stand against antisemitism, they’ll offer some plan of action for standing up against the moral stain on the Western world that is the International Criminal Court.

Senate Democrats weeks ago used the filibuster to kill a bill sanctioning the ICC for its morally hideous arrest warrant for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and former Defense chief Yoav Gallant.

The ICC warrant is based on utterly specious allegations of war crimes brought over Israel’s legitimate self-defense in its multi-front war with Iran and its proxies — a struggle for existence.

It’s a blood libel, in other words, and any American elected seriously interested in fighting Jew-hate would start there.

That Sen. Chuck Schumer, the self-described shomer (Hebrew for “guardian”) of the Jewish state, played stage manager in killing the bill is doubly shameful.

Beyond its propaganda value, the warrant has real-world impact: It required Netanyahu, on a recent US trip, to fly a circuitous series of detours, to be sure he could safely land in case he needed medical attention.

That’s because many of the 27 European Union nations back this sick weaponization of international law against Israel.

Austria, Belgium, The Netherlands, Ireland, Lithuania, Slovenia and Spain say they’ll enforce the arrest warrant if Bibi touches their territory; France, Germany and Italy are noncommittal.

Ironically, only Hungary — the ultimate EU bête noire of the modern left — has expressly rejected the ICC.

Meanwhile, American Democrats (with a handful of exceptions, like Pennsylvania’s Sen. John Fetterman) talk endless talk on Jew-hate but refuse to walk the walk.

Having shot down the Republican bid to end the obscene charade around the ICC’s legitimacy, Democrats have a clear moral duty to offer their own answer to the injustice.

Unless, that is, they want to admit that, when it comes to who runs their party, the antisemites have already won.

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