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POLITICS: Viral Video: Trump supporter charged at by man

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The post Viral Video: Trump supporter charged at by man first appeared on USSA News | The Tea Party’s Front Page.. Visit

A viral video shows a supporter of former President Donald Trump being charged at by a man described online as a “white dude for Kamala.”

In a video on X, formerly Twitter, YouTuber Adam Francisco, who is a former Democrat and current Trump supporter, can be seen talking with a man about why the former president is the “best for the country” before being interrupted by a young white man in a black t-shirt, pink shorts, and glasses. The man shouted “F-ck you” as he walked past Francisco.

Francisco responded, “Look at this weird guy. He’s never lift[ed] a weight in his life,” prompting the older man Francisco was initially talking with to add, “They call us weird.”

The man in the black t-shirt and pink shorts can then be seen charging at Francisco. In response, Francisco asked, “Are you really going to hit me? Are you really going to hit me? You wanna go to jail for assault?”

READ MORE: Videos: Trump supporter attacked during live stream

The man then proceeded to flip off Francisco multiple times and continued to swear at him as the Trump supporter commented, “You look like Thomas Crooks. You’re crazy. You better get out of here before your a-s kicked.”

Sharing the video on social media, fellow Trump supporter Vince Langman tweeted, “OMG, look at that soy boy white dude for Kamala taking a run at a Trump supporter.”

The video was met with widespread support for the Trump supporter on social media. One social media user commended Francisco for having self-control as the man charged at him. The user wrote, “Bro has WAY more self-control than I would’ve had in that situation. He knows that even if he defends himself from an obvious attack, he’d get life in prison and the attacker would be let go with no charges because there’re two tiers of justice for Trump supporters and Democrats.”

In response, Francisco said, “It’s Florida so I would have been protected by stand your ground. I didn’t wanna get physical because he was 5’6″ and soy and I’m 5’10” and decent build despite fighting a terminal illness. Also, if I knocked him out and he hit the pavement I don’t want that on my conscience.”

Another social media user wrote, “Looks just like what you’d expect a white boy for Harris to look like,” while a third social media user tweeted, “What was he trying to do? I’ve watched it five times and still can’t figure out what his objective was? The Trump guy didn’t expend any more energy avoiding this freak than he would have used swatting an annoying fly.”

Click this link for the original source of this article.
Author: Timothy Frudd

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The post Viral Video: Trump supporter charged at by man first appeared on USSA News | The Tea Party’s Front Page.. Visit

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