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Politics: Trump’s 34 Guilty Verdicts To Be Thrown Out After

POLITICS: Trump’s 34 Guilty Verdicts To Be THROWN OUT After Bombshell From Judge – The Beltway Report

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In a stunning development in the ongoing legal saga surrounding former President Donald Trump, Judge Juan Merchan has issued a letter to all parties involved in the hush money trial, acknowledging the existence of a social media post that suggests potential juror misconduct.

The post in question, which appeared on the New York State Unified Court System’s Facebook page, was made by a user claiming to be the cousin of a juror in the case. The post stated that the juror had disclosed the verdict to the cousin, indicating that Trump would be convicted.

This revelation raises serious concerns about the integrity of the jury and the fairness of the trial. If the post is accurate, it suggests that the juror in question violated the judge’s instructions not to discuss the case with anyone outside the jury room. Such misconduct could potentially warrant a mistrial, as it may have compromised the impartiality of the jury and influenced the outcome of the trial.

The timing of the post is also significant. It was made on May 29, just one day before the jury delivered its verdict, finding Trump guilty on 34 counts of falsifying business records. This raises questions about whether the juror’s alleged disclosure to their cousin influenced the jury’s decision-making process.

Judge Merchan’s letter to the parties involved in the case acknowledges the existence of the post and brings it to their attention. However, it remains unclear what actions, if any, the judge will take in response to this potential juror misconduct. The defense team may request a new trial or an investigation into the matter to determine the extent of the misconduct and its impact on the trial.

Trump supporters have expressed outrage and concern over the revelation, with many calling for a mistrial and an investigation into the alleged misconduct. They argue that the post, if true, demonstrates a clear bias against Trump and calls into question the fairness of the trial.

The case has been a contentious one, with Trump and his supporters alleging that it is part of a politically motivated witch hunt designed to undermine his chances of reelection in 2024. The revelation of potential juror misconduct only adds fuel to the fire, further eroding public trust in the judicial system and the fairness of the trial.

As the legal proceedings continue, it remains to be seen what actions Judge Merchan will take in response to the potential juror misconduct. The defense team is likely to push for a thorough investigation and potentially a new trial, while the prosecution may argue that the verdict should stand despite the alleged misconduct.

In the meantime, Trump supporters and critics alike will be closely watching the developments in this case, as it has far-reaching implications for the future of the former president and the integrity of the judicial system.

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