POLITICS: Trump Rips Washington Post Amid Latest Scandal

Politics: Trump Rips Washington Post Amid Latest Scandal

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Donald Trump is calling on the Washington Post to clean up its act.

In a Truth Social post, Trump said, “The Washington Post is absolutely blowing up with Fake Stories! They ought to clean up their act – Start writing the TRUTH, and maybe they’d get some of their Readers back, considering that they’ve lost over 50% in just a short period of time.”

Truth Social:

The Washington Post is absolutely blowing up with Fake Stories! They ought to clean up their act – Start writing the TRUTH, and maybe they’d get some of their Readers back, considering that they’ve lost over 50% in just a short period of time. They have fools and stupid people, like Eugene Robinson, who are in no way qualified to be doing what they are doing. The Washington Post is on its last leg, there’s no reason for them anymore. They’re very untruthful, and you get your News from many other far more reliable sources, including those found on the Internet. You would think Bezos, who is losing more than $100 Million a year on that “RAG,” would want to at least see REAL Journalism, not Fake Stories that do nothing but hurt and demean our Country. MAGA2024!

The Washington Post is currently facing a scandal surrounding Robert Winnett, a Sunday Times veteran who is set to become editor of The Washington Post later this year.

The Washington Post reported:

The alleged offense was trying to steal a soon-to-be-released copy of former prime minister Tony Blair’s memoir.

The suspect arrested by London police in 2010 was John Ford, a once-aspiring actor who has since admitted to an extensive career using deception and illegal means to obtain confidential information for Britain’s Sunday Times newspaper. Facing potential prosecution, Ford called a journalist he said he had collaborated with repeatedly — and trusted to come to his rescue.

That journalist, according to draft book chapters Ford later wrote recounting his ordeal, was Robert Winnett, a Sunday Times veteran who is set to become editor of The Washington Post later this year.

Winnett moved quickly to connect Ford with a lawyer, discussed obtaining an untraceable phone for future communications and reassured Ford that the “remarkable omerta” of British journalism would ensure his clandestine efforts would never come to light, according to draft chapters Ford wrote in 2017 and 2018 that were shared with The Post.

Winnett is now poised to take over the top editorial position in The Post’s core newsroom, scheduled to start after the November U.S. presidential election. He was appointed by Post CEO and Publisher William Lewis, who has mentored Winnett and worked with him at two British papers. Lewis is also mentioned in Ford’s draft chapters.

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