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Politics: Trump Issues Blistering Independence Day Address Leaving Liberals Furious

POLITICS: Trump Issues BLISTERING Independence Day Address Leaving Liberals FURIOUS & Patriots ECSTATIC – The Beltway Report

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OPINION| Β In a fiery Independence Day message, former President Donald Trump unleashed a scathing attack on President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, branding them as β€œhighly incapable” and questioning their leadership abilities. The message, posted on Truth Social, Trump’s own social media platform, has sent shockwaves through the political landscape, leaving Trump supporters cheering and Democrats scrambling to respond.

Trump, never one to mince words, took aim at Biden, criticizing his handling of the economy, immigration, and foreign policy. β€œHappy Fourth of July to all, including our highly incapable β€˜President,’ who uses prosecutors to go after his political opponent,” Trump wrote. β€œBiden’s policies have been a disaster for America, and the American people are paying the price.”

The former president didn’t stop there, turning his attention to Vice President Harris. β€œAnd let’s not forget about Kamala Harris, who was supposed to be the β€˜border czar’ but has done nothing to stop the flow of illegal immigrants into our country,” Trump continued. β€œShe’s a potential challenger, but she’s nothing more than a token candidate.”

Trump’s message comes at a time when Biden’s approval ratings are plummeting, with many Americans expressing dissatisfaction with his handling of the economy, inflation, and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The president’s recent trip to Europe, where he attended the G7 and NATO summits, has also drawn criticism from both sides of the aisle, with some accusing him of being weak on the world stage.

The former president’s Independence Day message is just the latest in a series of attacks on Biden and Harris. Since leaving office, Trump has remained a vocal critic of the current administration, using his platform to rally his supporters and criticize his successor.

The reaction from Trump supporters has been overwhelmingly positive, with many taking to social media to express their support for the former president. β€œTrump tells it like it is,” one supporter wrote on Twitter. β€œBiden and Harris are a disaster for America, and it’s time for a change.”

Democrats, on the other hand, have been quick to dismiss Trump’s message as nothing more than political posturing. β€œTrump is just trying to stay relevant,” one Democratic strategist told CNN. β€œHe knows that Biden and Harris are a formidable team, and he’s trying to undermine their credibility.”

Despite the criticism, Trump’s message has resonated with many Americans who are unhappy with the current state of affairs. With the 2024 presidential election just around the corner, the former president’s words are a clear indication that he has no intention of fading into the background.

As the nation celebrates its independence, Trump’s message serves as a reminder that the battle for the soul of America is far from over. With the political landscape more polarized than ever, the 2024 election promises to be a showdown of epic proportions.

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