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POLITICS: Trump Fuming Over Failure – What Lies Ahead

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House Betrays Trump’s Election Security Push: SAVE Act Dropped from Funding Bill

In a shocking move that’s left conservatives fuming, the House has passed a government funding bill that blatantly ignores former President Trump’s crucial election security measure, the SAVE Act.

At a Glance

  • Congress passed a stopgap funding bill without Trump’s SAVE Act, averting a government shutdown
  • The bill passed with overwhelming Democrat support, while many Republicans opposed it
  • Trump had demanded the SAVE Act’s inclusion, threatening a shutdown otherwise
  • House Speaker Mike Johnson claims he’s not defying Trump, blaming Senate Democrats for the omission
  • The bill sets up another potential shutdown battle in December

Democrats Celebrate as Republicans Cave on Election Security

In a move that has left many conservatives questioning the Republican leadership’s commitment to election integrity, the House has passed a three-month government funding bill that conspicuously omits the SAVE Act, a critical election security measure championed by former President Donald Trump. This capitulation to Democrat demands has effectively kicked the can down the road, setting the stage for another potential showdown in December.

The bill, which passed with overwhelming support from Democrats and divided Republicans, funds the government at current levels through December 20. While it may have averted an immediate shutdown, it has done so at the cost of sidelining crucial election security measures that many conservatives view as essential for safeguarding the integrity of our democratic process.

Trump’s Fury and Johnson’s Excuses

Former President Trump had been unequivocal in his demands, stating on Truth Social, “If Republicans don’t get the SAVE Act, and every ounce of it, they should not agree to a Continuing Resolution in any way, shape, or form.” This clear directive from the party’s de facto leader makes the House leadership’s decision to cave all the more baffling to many conservatives.

“I’m not defying President Trump. I’ve spoken with him at great length, and he is very frustrated about the situation. His concern is election security, and it is mine, as well. It is all of ours,” Johnson told reporters Tuesday.

House Speaker Mike Johnson, attempting to quell the growing conservative backlash, has bizarrely claimed that he isn’t defying Trump. Instead, he’s shifted the blame to Senate Democrats, particularly Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, for not advancing the SAVE Act. This weak excuse rings hollow to many conservatives who expected more backbone from their leadership in the face of Democrat obstruction.

The SAVE Act: What We’re Losing

The SAVE Act, which stands for Secure America’s Votes and Elections, is not just another piece of legislation. It’s a crucial safeguard for our democracy that would mandate in-person verification of citizenship for voter registration and require states to remove non-citizens from voter rolls. These common-sense measures are apparently too much for Democrats to stomach, and sadly, our Republican leadership seems unwilling to fight for them.

“There are two urgent priorities facing Congress right now: funding the government and securing the election. That’s why I was proud to vote last week for a bill that helped accomplish both goals. Unfortunately, it was defeated when nearly all House Democrats opposed a provision requiring a proof of citizenship to register to vote. How you could oppose ensuring the integrity of what may be the closest presidential race in modern history is beyond me. That’s why I voted against the bill when it was brought back to the House floor with the election protections stripped away. We’re facing what may be the closest presidential election in modern history, and I couldn’t justify voting for a bill that’s half as good and funds government for half as long as the one we brought to the floor last week. Southern Illinoisans deserve to have confidence that our elections are secure and that their vote won’t be canceled out by someone casting a ballot illegally.” – Source

Representative Mike Bost’s statement encapsulates the frustration many conservatives feel. The integrity of our elections is not a bargaining chip to be traded away for temporary government funding. It’s the bedrock of our republic, and its protection should be non-negotiable.

Looking Ahead: The Fight Continues

While this setback is disheartening, it’s crucial that conservatives don’t lose sight of the bigger picture. The fight for election integrity is far from over. As we approach what could be one of the closest presidential elections in modern history, the need for measures like the SAVE Act becomes even more pressing.

The stopgap bill may have averted an immediate crisis, but it’s set up another potential showdown in December. Conservatives must use this time to rally support, pressure their representatives, and ensure that when the next funding battle comes, election security is non-negotiable. Our democracy depends on it.

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