New York: Thursday, February 13, 2025
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Politics: Thug Ags Hit Back Against Walmart

POLITICS: Thug AGs hit back against Walmart

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The fight against the poison of DEI ain’t over just because Donald Trump’s back in office: Witness the latest thuggish pushback against a company that dared to jettison the toxic racial ideology, megaretailer Walmart. 

Walmart, recall, announced major moves away from DEI after coming into the crosshairs of hard-fighting activist Robby Starbuck — and that the moves had been long-planned. 


A coalition of 13 state attorneys general — including the Empire State’s own tireless woke warrioress Tish James, natch — has written a threatening letter announcing how disappointed they are in Walmart and urging them to reconsider the move. 

“These changes are bad for business, and for Walmart’s customer base,” the letter blusters. 

No, no and no. 

Shoppers don’t want a morality lesson when they pick up detergent or buy a new lawnmower; businesses and their shareholders are hurt whenever they focus on anything but the bottom line. 

Given the letter’s senders, the implication here is plainly that unless the retail giant starts pandering once more to the extreme left wing of the Democratic Party, there may be ugly lawsuits forthcoming. 

The whole affair is a sharp reminder that DEI won’t be going anywhere without a fight. 

Too many senior-VP mediocrities, shrill politicians, race-hustling activists and shady consultants have staked their careers on it. 

So it’s great news that President Trump has signed an executive order meant to root out DEI from the federal government. 

But consumers, open-eyed journos and sane electeds at the city and state levels nationwide need to remember that they still have their work cut out for them. 

Luckily, Starbuck’s serial wins over John Deere, Harley Davidson, Caterpillar and Ford have shown that the little guy can win this fight. 

So there’s plenty of reason for optimism that sanity and the ideals animating the real America will triumph. 

Until then, keep up the good fight. 

And remember: Go woke, go broke!

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