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POLITICS: The Scoop ★ News For Free Thinkers ★

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Is it any surprise, folks? The woke, politicized US Army has once again shown its true colors. Recently, they condemned President Trump simply for taking photos, while they’ve remained suspiciously silent on President Biden’s countless blunders.

It’s a disgrace and an outrage! The selective criticism is evident, and it’s clear as day that the mainstream media is complicit. The US Army took to social media to issue a ludicrous statement condemning Trump, a true patriot. Yet, have we heard a peep from them about Biden’s mishandling of, well, almost everything? Absolutely not.

Let’s break this down for a minute. President Trump, a leader who always put America first, is being attacked for a simple photo op. Meanwhile, President Biden, who can’t even climb a flight of stairs without falling, is getting a free pass.

This double standard is a classic case of the left’s hypocrisy. They’re quick to vilify Trump supporters while turning a blind eye to the gross incompetence of Biden’s administration. Where’s the accountability? Where are the media investigations into Biden’s questionable dealings?

We need to wake up, America! The political bias within our institutions is real, and it’s a direct attack on our freedoms. It’s time to take a stand and call out this blatant hypocrisy. The silent complicity of our military leadership in favoring one political figure over another is unacceptable and un-American.

When Trump stands firm, they attack. When Biden stumbles, they stay silent. The choice is clear – we need leadership that truly represents and respects America. Stand with Trump. Stand with our future.

Here’s the original hypocritical statement from US Army:

Due to the politicized and controversial nature of the incident, the US Army condemns the actions taken by former President Trump…

Well, there you have it. Outrageous, isn’t it? The hypocrisy is glaring. Let’s keep fighting for what’s right. This is about more than just Trump or Biden; it’s about preserving the principles and integrity of this nation.

#Trump2024 #WakeUpAmerica #WokeArmyExposed

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