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Politics: The Scoop ★ News For Free Thinkers ★

POLITICS: The Scoop ★ News For Free Thinkers ★

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In a shocking and infuriating turn of events, it has come to light that our hard-earned tax dollars are being funneled directly into China’s rapid technological and military advancements. Yes, you heard it right. Federal grants awarded to American universities have led to research that ultimately benefits China-based entities. This staggering betrayal of American interests should alarm every patriotic citizen.

According to an investigation by The Daily Caller, these universities unintentionally—or perhaps negligently—assisted in bolstering China’s power by contributing research that resulted in a slew of patents. Astonishingly, these patents are held not just by the universities themselves, but also by Chinese institutions. What’s more, these patents cover critical technologies in fields like artificial intelligence and biotechnology—areas where China is aggressively seeking global dominance.

The bureaucratic incompetence—or worse, complicity—behind this travesty cannot be overstated. Federal agencies, including the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Science Foundation (NSF), granted millions of dollars to these universities without stringent oversight, enabling Chinese entities to capitalize on American innovation. This must stop NOW.

For those who still naively believe that China is a benign global partner, think again. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has consistently demonstrated its intentions to outpace, outmaneuver, and ultimately overshadow the United States on the world stage. When American taxpayer dollars are essentially underwriting these nefarious ambitions, it’s not just mismanagement—it’s a scandal of epic proportions.

How many times have we, conservative Americans, raised our voices against reckless government spending? How many times have we highlighted the importance of putting America first? And here we are, slapped in the face by the very institutions that should be safeguarding our national interests. This betrayal cuts deep, folks.

It’s time for our elected representatives to take immediate action. Congressional hearings must be held to hold accountable those responsible for this outrageous misuse of our tax dollars. We demand transparency and a full accounting of how many patents, how much technology, and how many American innovations have ended up in the hands of our adversaries.

In this alarming revelation, it’s clear that we need stronger laws and stricter enforcement to ensure that American innovation stays on our soil. Our universities should be places of learning and advancement for the benefit of the United States—not unintentional think tanks for the CCP.

This a call to arms for real Americans. We must stand united against this colossal failure and demand that every future federal grant comes with ironclad protections to prevent this from ever happening again. If we don’t act now, we are paving the way for China’s dominance with our own resources.

The time to act is now. Our future depends on it.

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