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Elon Musk recently shared a heartrending story of how he was deceived into consenting to his son Xavier’s gender transition, highlighting the impact it has had on his political stance.

In a conversation with Jordan Peterson from The Daily Wire, Musk admitted that he signed the consent forms for Xavier’s puberty blockers without understanding the full consequences.

The discussion transcript is as follows:

MUSK: It happened to one of my older boys, where I was essentially tricked into signing documents for one of my older boys, Xavier. This was before I really had any understanding of what was going on. We had COVID going on and so there was a lot of confusion. You know I was told Xavier might commit suicide.

PETERSON: That was a lie right from the outset. No reliable clinician ever believed that. There was never any evidence for that. And if there was a higher suicide rate, it was because of the underlying depression and anxiety because of the gender dysphoria. And every God damn clinician knows that too. And they are too cowardly to come out and say it.

When I saw that lie start to propagate it just made the back of my hair stand up. So you’re telling parents that unless they agree to this radical transformation that their children are going to die and you think that is moral and you think that is true. That is so pathological that it is almost incomprehensible. I can’t imagine a therapist doing anything worse than that.

MUSK: It’s incredibly evil. And I completely agree that people promoting this should go to prison.

PETERSON: It won’t stop till that happens. It will just go underground. Puberty blockers are being accessed by kids all the time through non medical channels.

MUSK: So I was tricked into doing this. It wasn’t explained to me how puberty blockers are actually sterilization drugs. I lost my son essentially. They call it deadnaming for a reason. The reason it is called deadnaming is because your son dead. My son Xavier is dead. Killed by the woke mind virus.

PETERSON: I’m sorry to hear that. I can’t believe what that must be like.

My conversation with @elonmusk. Live today at 3pm ET.

— Dr Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) July 22, 2024

Musk’s son, now known legally as Vivian Jenna Wilson, has become estranged from his father post-transition. His mother is Musk’s ex-wife Justin Wilson, but other personal details remain limited.

Recently, Musk endorsed Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and has become a significant donor to conservative causes. He also owns the X platform, previously known as Twitter, ending the censorship policies of the former administration.

For the full original article, visit The Gateway Pundit.

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