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A man named Brian Lozenski, appointed by Minnesota Governor Tim Walz to oversee education curriculum, supports the extreme idea of Critical Race Theory and has advocated for the overthrow of the United States.

This is who Tim Walz places his trust in because this is who Tim Walz is.

Numerous states across the country are working to remove CRT and DEI policies from their public schools and universities due to their divisive and anti-American nature. Meanwhile, Walz has accepted these policies.

Stanley Kurtz reported the story at National Review:

Walz Education Appointee Calls for the Overthrow of the U.S.

Brian Lozenski, an associate professor of urban and multicultural education at Macalester College in Saint Paul, Minn., was appointed by Governor Tim Walz’s state education department to help write the statewide “implementation framework” (similar to a curriculum) for Minnesota’s new “ethnic studies” standards. It now emerges that Lozenski has called for the “overthrow” of the United States.

Lozenski is no outlier. On the contrary, he has been the leading voice advocating the addition of a radical version of “ethnic studies” to Minnesota’s social-studies standards (citizenship and government, economics, geography, history, and now ethnic studies). Lozenski is also the key organizer and thought leader for the radical leftist advocacy groups that Governor Walz has effectively put in charge of rewriting Minnesota’s social-studies standards.

While Lozenski’s call for the overthrow of the United States is the clearest expression of his radical stance to date, it’s hardly surprising. For years, conservative voices in Minnesota have sounded the alarm over the extremism of Lozenski and his allies. Maybe now, Walz will have to answer for putting Lozenski and his friends in charge of education in the state.

Watch the video below where Lozenski speaks candidly about his beliefs.

Brian Lozenski, appointed by Gov. Tim Walz’s administration to an ethnic studies working group, says the United States needs to be “overthrown” in a video unearthed by @NRO

“You can’t be a critical race theorist and be pro-U.S…. and that’s why I’m a critical race theorist.” pic.twitter.com/SkGaKpPj05

— Alpha News (@AlphaNewsMN) September 25, 2024

Do American parents want this kind of thinking in their children’s schools? That’s what they’re going to get if Harris and Walz win the election.

Read the full article here.

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