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The White House is set to reveal new measures aimed at curbing gun violence, Fox News has learned.

According to a senior administration official, President Biden is ready to sign an executive order targeting key priorities in combating firearm threats, such as banning gun conversion devices and creating an emerging firearms threats task force.

The order will also seek to enhance school-based active shooter drills to better prepare students for emergencies.

This executive order follows closely after the Birmingham, Alabama mass shooting on Sept. 21, which resulted in four fatalities and 17 injuries. It also comes as former President Trump has faced two assassination attempts in recent months.

The White House states that firearm technology is rapidly evolving, and Biden’s initiatives aim to mitigate two emerging threats: machine gun conversion devices and 3D printed firearms.

The senior administration official explained that conversion devices, which convert semi-automatic pistols into fully automatic firearms, are illegal under federal law but continue to be used in crimes and uncovered by law enforcement nationwide.

3D printed firearms, created from computer code found online, are relatively new. These firearms lack serial numbers, essential for tracing guns recovered at crime scenes. Additionally, they can be made with non-metal materials, making them undetectable by magnetometers at airports, courthouses, and events, the official added.

Biden’s executive order will form an emerging firearms threats task force with leaders from various federal agencies and departments.

This task force will need to present a report within 90 days, assessing the threat posed by machine gun conversion devices and 3D printed firearms, as per the senior administration official.

The assessment will review federal agencies’ capabilities to detect, intercept, and seize these firearms and components.

Finally, it will instruct the Secretary of Education, the Secretary of Homeland Security, the Attorney General, the Secretary of Health and Human Services, and the U.S. Surgeon General to create and publish new active shooter drills.

Read the full article here

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