POLITICS: The Laptop Cover-Up Exposed

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Be sure to Click LIKE at the bottom of this commentary, and share it everywhere!! By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot – Commentary

What we’re hearing today from the liberal propaganda media is the same thing we heard in 2016. Trump is evil, he’s Hitler, he’ll get us into WWIII, he’s a racist, a white nationalist and he’ll destroy the country. None of it was true then, and none of it is true now.

In 2016, the liberal propagandists thought his candidacy was a joke and that he’d never get the nomination. Then he got the nomination. They laughed and scoffed at the idea that he could beat Hillary, and then, on election night…they melted down.

These are the same mainstream media liberal propagandists that went all in on the fake Steele dossier insisting Trump was in bed with the Russians knowing full-well that Hillary Clinton, her campaign and the FBI were the ones in bed with the Russians, cooking up and paying foreign agents INCLUDING a Russian agent to manufacture that dossier.

These are the same mainstream media liberal propagandists that went all in on the false story that Trump engaged in quid pro quo with Ukraine, knowing full-well that Joe Biden was on video BRAGGING about HIS quid pro quo with Ukraine.

The mainstream liberal propagandists were lying then, and they’re lying now. The real question is why, and I suspect the answer is more complex than most people believe it to be. To expose the depth of the corruption, we must look at one very important lie the liberal mainstream media propagandists clung to for two long years before it just faded away.

In 2020, they went all in on the false story that Hunter Biden’s laptop was nothing but Russian disinformation, when they knew full-well that the laptop was real, and the information on it implicated not only Hunter, but JOE Biden as well.

Oh, we all knew the “Russian disinformation” story was pure crap, and they knew we knew it was pure crap, but they knew far more than just that, and to cover up the truth, the FBI embedded themselves with social media giants Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and others, and then used their pre-existing cozy relationship with the mainstream media to conspire to bury the Hunter Biden laptop story by censuring anyone who dared to post the truth, and launched a campaign of pre-emptive strikes to intentionally spread the “Russian disinformation” story.

Last week, during Hunter Biden’s illegal gun purchase trial, the prosecution…that would be the U.S. government and Biden’s own DOJ entered that very laptop as evidence. The prosecution, the U.S. government, in that court of law, said the laptop was real, and everything ON it was real, and that NONE of it had been manipulated. In fact, they brought in an FBI agent with intimate knowledge OF the laptop and its history with the FBI to swear, under oath, that it, what was on it and everything about it was 100% real, and was never manipulated by the FBI.

That should have been a bombshell, but the liberal mainstream media propagandists treated it like a gnat fart.

We now know, beyond a SHADOW of a doubt, that the FBI had that laptop, once belonging to Hunter Biden, in their possession since December of 2019, and furthermore, that the FBI had corroborated the laptop was real, everything on it was real, and that neither they nor anyone else had manipulated one single aspect of it in March of 2020.

So, what exactly does that mean? Well…

That laptop directly implicates not only Hunter Biden in criminal activity that went well beyond drugs and included influence peddling and working as a foreign agent without ever having registered to be one, all the way to raking in MILLIONS and MILLIONS of dollars without paying taxes on most of it. But it goes so very much further than that. The contents of that Hunter Biden laptop ALSO contains direct evidence that JOE BIDEN knew ALL about it, was part OF it and was ALSO raking in MILLIONS and MILLIONS of dollars ILLEGALLY by allowing and providing access not only to himself, but also to Obama and our security agencies.

Joe Biden was selling access to our country’s advisories and enemies for cold, hard cash, and the Biden family crime syndicate was laundering the money through 23 shell LLC’s to hide all of it from prying eyes and the IRS.

To be clear, the liberal mainstream media did not engage in the laptop cover-up to hide Hunter Biden’s illegal drug use or the evidence that was on the laptop that proved he lied on a gun purchase application…they engaged in the laptop cover-up to protect JOE Biden and the Biden family crime syndicate from being exposed for corruption that could end up in charges all the way up to treason.

The fact that they treated the absolute conformation that the laptop and everything on it is real, as exposed during the Hunter Biden trial as a gnat fart shows that they knew in 2020, and they know now that Joe Biden, their guy, is absolutely corrupt, and absolutely compromised, but it shows something much more than just that.

It shows that the FBI, 51 former intel agents, social media, Hillary Clinton and her campaign AND the liberal mainstream media propagandists were ALL engaged in 2020 election interference based on proliferation of false information…exactly what Donald Trump was recently convicted of in New York.

With all the contacts between them, MSNBC, CNN, ABC,CBS, NBC and all the print media on the left not to mention social media who we know was spooning the FBI all along…are we to buy into the grand deception that amongst all of them there was not a single person who looked into the laptop story even for a minute? I believe they will try to pass off questions regarding their hand in election interference by claiming they didn’t know the laptop was real, and they’ll try to blame the FBI, but that’s nothing but gaslighting. They knew the laptop was real all along.

The story last week really wasn’t Hunter Biden’s conviction, it was the evidence used to convict him, and the evidence, the laptop was what the liberal mainstream media propagandists intentionally ignored because that evidence is what they suppressed for two years.

Now they insist that Trump wants to shut down the media, while knowing full-well that it’s their own party that has been censuring their political advisories. They say Trump will use the Justice Department to seek revenge on his political opponents, knowing full-well that Joe Biden is doing just that…right now.

Last week, MSNBC talking head, Rachel Maddow claimed to be “worried” that Donald Trump could throw her in jail or even some sort of camp for high-profile liberals if he’s victorious in November.

Here’s what Maddow said: “I’m worried about the country broadly if we put someone in power who is openly avowing that he plans to build camps to hold millions of people, and to ‘root out’ what he’s described in subhuman terms as his ‘enemy from within.’ Again, history is helpful here. He’s not joking when he says this stuff, and we’ve seen what happens when people take power proclaiming that kind of agenda.”

The reality was that Trump had been asked about camps to hold illegal aliens while waiting to deport them and his REAL answer flies in the face of Maddow’s gaslighting. Here is the actual Trump response to the question: “I would not rule out anything, but there wouldn’t be that much of a need for them because, the plan is to deport migrants in the U.S. illegally, back to their home countries as quickly as possible.”

The liberal mainstream media propagandists HAVE to demonize Donald Trump, because they CAN’T talk about the evidence OR the laptop used to convict Hunter Biden, the evidence they suppressed for better than two years, and it’s going to get worse.

Hunter Biden is also facing federal tax evasion charges in California in a case that is set for court on September 5th of this year. Hunter Biden is charged with six misdemeanor counts of failure to file his tax returns and pay taxes, one felony count of tax evasion and two felony counts of filing a false return. Prosecutors say Hunter Biden engaged in a four-year scheme to not pay at least $1.4 million income taxes for the tax years 2016 through 2019 despite Hunter Biden making more than $7 million between 2016 and the fall of 2020, spending millions on an “extravagant lifestyle” while failing to pay his taxes.

Now then…from where do you suppose Hunter Biden made all that money? And where do you suppose a good deal of the evidence resides? The answers are that he made the millions of dollars selling his father’s name as influence, and a good deal of the evidence OF that resides on the same real, and unmanipulated laptop used to convict Hunter Biden in Delaware last week. That evidence, on that laptop, along with sworn testimony from several sources close to Hunter Biden, people like Tony Bobulinsky and Devin Archer ALSO implicated JOE BIDEN in the pay-to-play influence paddling scheme.

I fully believe that Hunter Biden will take a plea deal to reduce or dismiss some of the charges, pay a hefty fine and try to avoid any jail time in the tax evasion case because of the evidence on the laptop which Joe Biden can’t afford to have in the light of one more day, and the liberal mainstream media propagandists can’t ignore forever.

There is a distinct reason the mainstream media is ramping up their false rhetoric regarding Trump seeking legal retribution should he get elected in November, because they know that the evidence necessary for such action exists, they know Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and the liberal party elite are guilty of high crimes, and they know full-well that they aided and abetted IN those crimes willingly.

Hunter Biden’s conviction, and what I believe will be a plea deal in his upcoming tax evasion case are just the tip of things.

The laptop and the evidence it contains is the iceberg beneath the surface, and they’re at full throttle, heading straight for it on a disastrous collision course.

Brace for impact.

Copyright © 2024 Craig Andresen / thenationalpatriot.com all rights reserved

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Author: Craig Andresen

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