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POLITICS: The Caregiver Industry Is Doomed Without Illegal Aliens Or Something – USSA News

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Hey, how about all those federal employees who are dead weight learn to work in the caregiver industry?

The caregiving industry relies on immigrants. These workers fear deportation under Trump

A homecare worker wakes at 3:30 a.m., showers, and prepares for a more than 10-hour day of attending to her clients.

She cooks. She cleans. She replaces catheter bags. She bathes her clients, checks their blood pressure, and ensures they take their medication. When she wraps up her shift at the home of a disabled U.S. Iraq War veteran at 4:30 p.m., she is off the clock but returns to the house of her first client, a 92-year-old woman with dementia who lives alone, and cooks her dinner.

She earns $18.50 an hour and is provided no health care benefits. She loves her job but worries President Donald Trump’s crackdown on immigration and plans for mass deportations could threaten her ability to do it.

“Not all immigrants who come here cause harm. Most are here to contribute,” the homecare worker told USA TODAY in Spanish through a translator. “It’s sad and disheartening to see how immigrants are being treated.”

The homecare worker has asked that her real name not be used for fear of being targeted for deportation. USA TODAY has confirmed the homecare worker’s identity, agreed to provide her anonymity, and will refer to her as “Julia.”

No, not all illegals come to cause harm. Many have been beneficial. Agriculture. Housing. Caregivers. But, they are here illegally. If you break the law you break the law. And it doesn’t help their cause when so many Demand housing, money, healthcare, food, education, and more, all while refusing to learn the language, refuse to assimilate, fly the flags of their home country, and denigrate Americans and America. I’ve long said we should have a much better temporary visa system.

Julia is one of many immigrants living in the country with no clear path to citizenship. She came to the U.S. 23 years ago from El Salvador as a Temporary Protected Status holder after an earthquake wreaked havoc on her home country. She now faces growing uncertainty as Trump targets others with similar legal but fragile immigration statuses, a focus that could disrupt the caregiver industry which is heavily dependent on foreign-born workers.

Temporary. Operative word. But, you know what, I do not blame them, I blame the politicians, judges, and bureaucrats for refusing to send people back.

Julia is one of many immigrants, both with legal status and without, on which the U.S. caregiver industry depends. Foreign-born workers help address the growing need for care given the nation’s aging Baby Boomer population.

Well, hey, perhaps the education system should stop teaching stupid subject and educate the kiddies in worthwhile subject. It is funny, all these youts say They Care, but, all they do is protest and demand, but, rarely get out to help.

The post The Caregiver Industry Is Doomed Without Illegal Aliens Or Something appeared first on Pirate’s Cove.

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