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Politics: Trump Holds National Lead Over Kamala Harris

POLITICS: “Shift In Momentum In The Race” – Trump’s Probability Of Winning Now Record High

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Election Analyst Nate Silver revealed that Donald Trump now has a record-high chance of winning the 2024 election.

Nate Silver’s odds also have Donald Trump winning every swing state.

According to Silver, Trump has a 63.8% probability of winning the Electoral College.

This was a five-point shift since Thursday.

The Washington Examiner reported:

Election analyst Nate Silver gave former President Donald Trump a record-high probability of winning against Vice President Kamala Harris.

The bump came partially as a result of Sunday’s New York Times/Sienna poll, which Silver has as one of the highest-rated pollsters. Silver’s newest rating has Trump with a 63.8% probability, compared to Harris’s 36%. The former president is also favored to win every swing state.

Silver’s current odds give Trump a 64% chance of winning Pennsylvania, 54% for Michigan, 53% for Wisconsin, 77% for Arizona, 75% for North Carolina, 68% for Georgia, and 61% for Nevada.

The new probability total is a nearly five-point boost for Trump since Thursday, when he was given a 58.2% probability, itself a boost from the 52.4% a week prior. The prediction shows a further eroding of Harris’s honeymoon support since President Joe Biden dropped out in July.

In a Substack post, Silver explained that the new poll was such bad news for Harris due to the large sample size and reliability of the poll, which he ranks as the second best. He said the new poll “confirms the model’s view that there’s been some sort of a shift in momentum in the race.”

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