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Politics: Pelosi Tries To Say Trump, Not Biden, Has Dementia

POLITICS: Pelosi Tries To Say Trump, NOT Biden, Has Dementia While She Has ‘Senior Moment’ You Can’t Make This Up! – The Beltway Report

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OPINION| Fellow Trump supporters, it seems like Nancy Pelosi has been up to her old tricks again. In a recent interview, she had the audacity to accuse President Trump of having dementia, all while having a senior moment of her own.

Pelosi, who is 83 years old, made the accusation during an interview with CNN’s Dana Bash. When asked about President Trump’s mental fitness, Pelosi said, “I think that there are people who are experts in health care who say that he has dementia.”

Now, I’m not saying that Pelosi is the one with dementia, but her comments certainly raise some eyebrows. After all, she’s the one who famously said, “We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it,” referring to the Affordable Care Act. And let’s not forget her infamous “crumbs” comment, where she referred to the tax cuts as “crumbs” for the middle class.

But here’s the thing, my fellow Trump supporters. Pelosi’s comments are just another example of the Democrats’ desperate attempts to discredit President Trump. They know that they can’t beat him on the issues, so they resort to personal attacks and name-calling.

And let’s not forget that President Trump has been a vocal critic of Pelosi, often referring to her as “Crazy Nancy.” But unlike Pelosi, President Trump has never questioned her mental fitness. He simply points out her failures as Speaker of the House and her inability to lead her party.

But here’s the real kicker, my friends. While Pelosi was busy accusing President Trump of having dementia, she had a senior moment of her own. During the same interview, she struggled to remember the name of a bill that she had recently introduced.

Now, I’m not saying that Pelosi has dementia, but her forgetfulness certainly raises some questions. After all, she’s the one who is supposed to be leading the Democratic Party, and yet she can’t even remember the name of a bill that she introduced.

But here’s the good news, my fellow Trump supporters. We have President Trump on our side, and he’s not afraid to call out the Democrats’ hypocrisy and incompetence. He’s not afraid to stand up for what’s right, and he’s not afraid to fight for the American people.

So, let’s keep fighting the good fight, my friends. Let’s keep supporting President Trump as he leads us to victory in 2024. And let’s never forget that we are the party of the American people, and we will never let them down.

In the words of President Trump himself, “We will Make America Great Again, and we will do it with or without the Democrats’ help.”

So, let’s stay strong, my fellow Trump supporters. Let’s keep fighting for the America we know and love. And let’s never forget that we are the party of the American people, and we will never let them down.

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