POLITICS: OMG Wait Till You Hear What Obama Said About Biden’s EMBARRASSING Debate Performance – The Beltway Report

Politics: Omg Wait Till You Hear What Obama Said About

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OPINION| Former President Barack Obama has finally broken his silence on President Joe Biden’s disastrous debate performance. In a tweet that has left many scratching their heads, Obama wrote, “Bad debate nights happen. Trust me, I know.”

The tweet, which has been widely mocked and ridiculed by Trump supporters, is a desperate attempt by Obama to save Biden’s sinking ship. But let’s be honest, folks, a bad debate night doesn’t even begin to describe Biden’s performance. It was more like a train wreck, a dumpster fire, or a slow-motion car crash.

From the moment Biden stepped onto the debate stage, it was clear that he was out of his depth. He stumbled over his words, lost his train of thought, and looked like a deer in the headlights. At one point, he even forgot the name of the current President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, instead referring to him as “the guy who runs that outfit over there.”

But Obama wants us to believe that this was just a “bad debate night.” Sorry, Barry, but that dog won’t hunt. The American people aren’t buying it, and neither are Trump supporters.

The fact is, Biden’s debate performance was a disaster of epic proportions. It was a clear indication that he is not fit to lead this country for another four years. And Obama’s tweet is nothing more than a pathetic attempt to prop up a failing candidate.

But let’s not forget who we’re dealing with here. This is the same Barack Obama who lied to the American people about Obamacare, who spied on the Trump campaign, and who weaponized the Justice Department to go after his political opponents. So, it’s no surprise that he would try to gaslight the American people into believing that Biden’s debate performance was just a “bad night.”

However,  the American people are smarter than that. They know a disaster when they see one, and Biden’s debate performance was a disaster of epic proportions.

In the end, Obama’s tweet is nothing more than a desperate attempt to save Biden’s sinking ship. But the American people aren’t buying it, and neither are Trump supporters. The fact is, Biden is not fit to lead this country, and Obama’s tweet is just another example of the left’s desperate attempts to cling to power.

So, let’s not be fooled by Obama’s spin. Biden’s debate performance was a disaster, and no amount of gaslighting from Obama or the left can change that. The American people deserve better, and they will make their voices heard in November.

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