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Politics: Obama Leading Assassination Of Joe Biden’s Candidacy For Potus

POLITICS: Obama Leading Assassination of Joe Biden’s Candidacy For POTUS – The Beltway Report

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OPINION| The Democrats are reportedly considering an “intervention” to remove Joe Biden from the ticket against his will, with none other than Barack Obama leading the charge. This desperate move comes as the party grapples with the fallout from Biden’s disastrous debate performance and declining approval ratings.

According to sources close to the situation, Democrat bigwigs are growing increasingly concerned about Biden’s ability to lead the party to victory in the upcoming election. They believe that Obama, with his charisma and popularity, could be the savior they desperately need to turn things around.

For Trump supporters, this news is a cause for celebration. It serves as a vindication of their belief that Biden is not fit to serve as president and that the Democrats made a grave mistake in nominating him. The fact that they are now considering removing him from the ticket against his will only reinforces their belief that the Democrats are in disarray and lack a coherent strategy.

The irony of the situation is not lost on Trump supporters. After all, it was Obama who famously said, “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f*** things up.” Now, it seems that the Democrats are finally realizing the wisdom of those words.

The prospect of Obama stepping in to lead the party is a double-edged sword for the Democrats. On the one hand, it could energize the base and attract independent voters who still hold Obama in high regard. On the other hand, it could alienate Biden’s supporters and further divide the party.

For Trump supporters, the idea of Obama leading the charge against their beloved leader is a dream come true. They see it as a sign that the Democrats are running scared and are willing to throw anyone under the bus to save their own skin.

As the 2024 election approaches, the Democrats will need to navigate this tricky situation and find a way to rally their base and win over undecided voters. It won’t be easy, but with the right strategy and a bit of luck, they just might be able to pull it off.

In the end, the Democrats’ desperate gambit to remove Biden from the ticket and replace him with Obama is a risky move that could backfire spectacularly. Only time will tell if it pays off or if it will go down in history as one of the biggest political blunders of all time.

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