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Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris at a campaign event in Chandler, Arizona, October 2024

POLITICS: No thanks Obama — this black man will make up his own mind and not be shamed into voting for Kamala

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Democratic elitists have a habit of disregarding your legitimate concerns, refusing to address your questions and shaming you into giving them your support.

With identity politics at the forefront of the Democratic Party strategy, they’ve now drafted Barack Obama to enforce demographic-specific shaming tactics. The target of harassment: black men.

At the Kamala Harris campaign’s Pittsburgh office, Obama lambasted black men for their lack of “energy,” which he claimed to be more pronounced with the “brothers.”

The Democratic Party has been emphasizing identity politics. REUTERS

“You have someone [Donald Trump] who has consistently shown disregard, not just for the communities, but for you as a person, and you’re thinking about sitting out? And you’re coming up with all kinds of reasons and excuses?”

Obama continued, “I’ve got a problem with that because — because part of it makes me think, and I’m speaking to men directly now, part of it makes me think that, well, you just aren’t feeling the idea of having a woman as president.”

“And so now you’re thinking about sitting out or even supporting somebody who has a history of denigrating you because you think that’s a sign of strength? Because that’s what being a man is? Putting women down?”

The tactic of racial manipulation by the Democratic Party is what pushed me, a black man, away from the party into political independence.

The idea that someone deserves my vote only because I exist in a particular image while everyone else gets a choice has always felt incredibly insulting to me.

barack obama
Former President Obama made an appeal to men who might not vote for Kamala Harris because of her gender. REUTERS

Elitists like Obama are incapable of reading the room. The optics of a multimillionaire former president chastising the average working-class black man about real problems they face and Kamala’s involvement in them as vice president doesn’t sit well with most rational people.

It is always privileged people like Obama who have the audacity to tell struggling Americans with little savings to put aside their problems to give them more power.

Obama perpetuates a collectivist political ideology that translates black people as loyal cogs for the Democratic machine and, if they question their function, they’ll be viewed as malfunctioning.

We’re not supposed to ask questions, we’re supposed to do as we’re told. As much as Democrats tell the world how they care about the autonomy of black Americans, it’s their actions that tell us whether they mean it.

Based on the actions and rhetoric of the Democratic Party, black Americans are not autonomous and are solely for the purpose of receiving orders, not giving them. When they fall out of line, it’s permissible to use black Democrats like Obama to get them back in line.

Obama made it a point to tell the world “Truths” about black men, further creating a false narrative that our hesitancy about supporting Kamala is about what’s between her legs and not between her ears.

The people who claim to want to help black people strive sure know when to kick us when we question the type of help we’re supposedly receiving.

Kamala is a chameleon who will do or say anything at any given moment to gain more power. She stands for everything, which means she has no standards.

Americans deserve a president who possesses leadership qualities, whereas Kamala appears as a social climber who rubs elbows with the right people to get what she wants.

Democrats talk about equality for black people, but they don’t give us equal treatment of explanation or persuasion to continue to vote for their candidates.

I refuse to vote for a candidate I don’t believe in, who refuses to give clear answers to reasonable questions asked and who employs racial guilt tactics to get me on their side.

There is no amount of race-shaming an aging politician can use that would ever get me to hand over my ability to think for myself.

Yes, I am a black man, and I won’t be voting for Kamala Harris.

Adam B. Coleman is the author of “Black Victim to Black Victor” and founder of Wrong Speak Publishing.

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