New York: Friday, February 07, 2025
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Major Social Security Law Change: Increased Benefits for Millions

POLITICS: Major Social Security Law Change: Increased Benefits for Millions – Video

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What Do You Think?

  1. Congress has literally been using Social Security to fund their BS .Since LBJ amended the laws protecting it..There would have been plenty of money had they not been able to steal it..They funded both Trumps impeachments using
    Social Security Funds..
    When Bill Clinton was President that’s how he solved the deficit..Where do you think the slush funds came from for
    Congresses escapades and paying of people from exposing scandals..By the way You Can Research It 🀨It’s All True πŸ”₯

  2. They will never run out of money. The US government wastes so much money on illegal criminal aliens all they have to do is stop and there will be plenty of money available for centuries.

  3. did they pay into the program? if they paid into a pension that didnt contributed to SS then they shouldnt get to claim my SS. so long as they paid into SS they they should get to claim the same amount as anyone else.

  4. Double-dipping wasn't allowed for good reason. Joe has decided to run it dry even faster than currently projected. Good ol' Joe.

  5. One of your guys is things you need to look at is all these politicians. They don't pay taxes. They don't even do taxes every year. Like the common citizen does they get away with not paying taxes? That's a crime in itself. So what makes the government officials or any other officit shows changing the law to benefit themselves, but not the average person. Especially the ones that are already paid in government. God's got your number and you're in trouble for what you did to God's children. Do you understand that? Can you even comprehend english? Apparently you don't governmeit's a matter of time. That's all? It is matter of time. You never know when god is gonna hit

  6. It's all about helping their own as usual! This was their way to screw the American people that voted for Trump that are on benefits! It was not about helping those firemen and those policemen! It was about the government workers getting their hands on more money because they knew Trump was going to clean house! This should be illegal!

  7. I agree with this new law. It stole money from hardworking taxpayers that had paid into SS and then went to work in a public entity and received a pension. I’m one of those. I paid tens and tens of thousands into SS for 20 years before going to work for a public entity. Because I changed jobs later in life, I was also cheated in the pension plan and didn’t qualify for a full pension. I felt that all of the money that I paid into SS was just stolen. That is wrong.

  8. The SS benefits of those who moved from the private sector to the government sector, like teachers for instance, were calculated according to different formulas. This is nothing to do with the particular payment that they paid to SS; we are talking here about a different way that the SS payment in old age was calculated. No idea if they are changing it now, but it definitely includes more than 2 or 3 million people.

  9. Yeah, it sounds good but if the Taxable Ceiling is not raised. This bonus increase could mean people will be required to, pay taxes because of the increase. That are not paying now…

  10. SSA is a SCAM this new Law will drain the funds, without any point count, qualifications. For every $6,754 you pay in is one point you need 56 points to qualify even if your disabled. SCAM is Medicare A,B,&C.

  11. Certainly people MUST understand that the WEP and GPO were both designed to steal EARNED Social Security benefits from people based on the absurd proposition that if you earned another retirement income the govt could steal part of what you earned in SS benefits…just because they wanted the money.

  12. RETIREES: Check out Devoted Healthcare. I'm getting back $147.00 (per MONTH) of the $185.00 that medicare steals from us. United Healthcare was giving us a "whopping" $160.00 per YEAR to buy OTC meds that I don't even use. The biggest difference for me using Devoted is that I'll have to pay $10,000.00 out of pocket instead of $5000.00 if I ever need a life flight. I'm taking that gamble.

  13. He removed WEP and GPO offsets. So if you got a gov pension from state/ county/ or city that didnt pay into SSA (FICA tax deduction), then had another job that DID pay into Ssa, then your ssa would be reduced or with gpo it was possible not to get anything at all if your gov pension was more than 2/3 of ssa benefits. I think this is a way to deplete the ssa trust fund faster, bad for any future americans wanting a ssa benefit. Why didnt he do this in 2020? I would guess that this will help a majority of people who are well off more than poor people. **also forgot, there is an exception to WEP, if youbhave 30 YOCs, 30 years of coverage paying into the ssa system, but it cant just be a part time job, you have to have paid a substantial amount. You can have 1 YOC up to 30 YOCs, the more you have the less the reduction until you get 30

  14. I thought the reason social security is failing was because the government took a bunch of money out of the fund in the 70-80's? and now it doesn't accrue interest like it should have. Something like that

  15. This was a very good video. Thank you for sharing. I would like to share this piece of information that isn't new news, but I found it in my archive of paperwork from 25 years ago. It's an excerpt from a 2000 Social Security statement, that i found to be very interesting and profound. I actually got a chuckle from the sentence at the end of it stating, "We're working to resolve these issues."

    It’s interesting how some folk want to blame the Social Security Fairness Act for the acceleration of the depletion/reduction of benefits in the Social Security Trust fund.

    In reality, the SSA and Government, has known for at least 25 years that trouble was lurking on the horizon, and did nothing to mitigate the situation. Now folk want to get up in arms and shuffle the blame on those who will receive increases to their benefits due to the Social Security Fairness Act.

    The following is a statement from Social Security in the year 2000:


    Will Social Security be there when you retire? Of course it will. But changes will be needed to meet the demands of the times. We’re living longer, healthier lives: 76 million β€œbaby boomers” will start retiring in about 2010; and in about 30 years, there will be nearly twice as many older Americans as there are today.

    Social Security now takes in more taxes than it pays out in benefits. The excess funds are credited to Social Security’s trust funds, which are expected to grow to over $4 trillion before we need to use them to pay out benefits. In 2015, we will begin to pay out more benefits than we collect in taxes. By 2037, the trust funds will be exhausted and the payroll taxes collected will be enough to pay only about 72 percent of benefits owed. We’re working to resolve these issues. For more information about the present and what may lie ahead, call us to ask for a copy of the booklet, The Future of Social Security.

    Kenneth S. Apfel

    Commissioner of Social Security

  16. Honestly, im sick of paying for others. Its time for people to stop paying for other people.
    Im pretty sure i won't be able to get this, but i had to pay into it. Ill probably have to sue to get my money back. If i can sue.

  17. President Trump needs to immediately REVERSE this on day one. We need WEP and GPO because far too many more useless government bureaucrats already leech way too much taxpayer dollars for pensions. Also we need reduction in number of govt workers and agencies to cut tax burden and eliminate meaningless fruitless jobs. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

  18. Social Security is NOT going to run out in 8 years! President Trump did something that no other President has ever done. He created a unique department in his Cabinet where Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy are going to get rid of all the millions of dollars of wasted federal government money!! That will cut the deficit by a large amount. They can, in turn, use a large amount of that money and put it into the Social Security Administration. President Trump is also going to make America energy independent. Drill, baby, drill! He said that he's going to give a 15% tax break to each business that stays in America πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ!! This combination will cause millions of new jobs in America!! A lot of people are willingly working even though they're on Social Security because they don't want to just sit around and not do anything. No, thanks to President Trump, Social Security will not run out of money for several years- probably decades.

  19. A lot of people say they have debilitating health problems or state they got hurt on the job somehow. They signed up for medical disability and draw it. They knew they didn’t have enough credits to draw or if they did draw it would not be much so they go the medical disability route. It’s millions of people doing this. I saw in our local newspaper that a guy hit a hole in one on a golf course however he was drawing medical disability check and had been doing so for years. Anyway when it can out in the paper somebody put the numbers together and turned him in thus he lost his disability check. Crooks everywhere.

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