New York: Tuesday, February 11, 2025
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Karen Bass

POLITICS: LA fires reveal Democrat-run California’s ridiculous number of catastrophes

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When it comes to the horrific LA fires, every new day brings more hideous evidence of just how much blame California’s progressive political culture bears for what’s now projected to be the most expensive natural disaster in US history at over $250 billion in damage.

Start with Wednesday’s revelation that the LAFD brass deployed only five trucks out of an available 40 and held back some 1,000 available firefighters from the Palisades Fire.

Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass speaks to journalists in a press conference to announce Steve Soboroff to lead L.A.’s wildfire rebuilding and recovery efforts on January 17, 2025 in Los Angeles, California. Getty Images

Embattled Fire Chief Kristin Crowley and her flunkeys are defending the call, but to the rightly outraged citizens of LA, those words will ring hollow. 

Especially given the fire department’s already severe problems.

Like a response time that had grown to nearly double what’s recommended by the National Fire Protection Association.

Plus budget cuts that left a shortage of life-saving equipment and a huge number of trucks out of service, per a whistleblower speaking to investigative journalist Michael Shellenberger.

The same whistleblower also cites LA’s DEI requirements as a huge driver of LAFD failure, alleging that it prompts overspending on DEI-compliant vendors and the lowering of standards to meet quotas on the force itself.

Can the people running the City of Angels do anything right?

Don’t forget the green-freak envirocrats at the California Coastal Commission, who stopped the LA Department of Water and Power’s efforts to fire-harden the Pacific Palisades area in order to . . . save an endangered shrub.

Yes, the CCC (it’s just missing a P) really prevented LA from replacing wooden power poles with steel, enlarging fire-access lanes and installing wind- and fire-resistant power lines over the presence of about 200 Braunton’s milkvetch plants.

The agency even fined LADWP for having the audacity to think of doing fire prevention.  

Then came the fires, one starting right by the “milkvetch protection area.”

Dozens are dead, thousands of structures are gone, tens of thousands of acres burned and the city remains in chaos.

And those milkvetches are almost certainly ash in the wind. 

Meanwhile, local political “leaders” continue to reveal their utter incompetence. 

Gov. Gavin Newsom delivered a bizarre shoulder-shimmy and a bright grin when discussing the fires on a local newscast. 

This, after he cut the state’s firefighting effort by more than $100 million, to $2.6 billion, in June  — even as he’s rung up a $14.7 billion tab for his state’s bonkers green-energy transition. 

That casts his “let’s blame local firefighters” media strategy in a different, much uglier light. 

It’s also the megabucks version of LA Mayor Karen Bass’ own fire-department budget slash, which the Dem diehard undertook as she spent beaucoup bucks on woke priorities, including corruption-riddled programs in the name of housing the homeless. 

And now photos have emerged of the mayor playing diplomat at a cocktail party for Ghana’s just-inaugurated president as the Palisades fire exploded. 

Not precisely Nero fiddling while Rome burns, but about as close as a modern politico can get. 

Oh, and we can’t neglect to mention that Bass’ hand-picked Deputy Mayor Brian Williams, with major oversight of the LAFD, was put on leave in December after feds raided his home — reportedly connected to his suspected involvement in a bomb threat against City Hall.

California’s turning out to be a Matryoshka doll of nesting incompetencies.

And fresh proof that “progressive” these days means “progressively more dangerous to ordinary life.” 

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