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Politics: Kamala Harris And Her Media Tactics Reveal How Unqualified

POLITICS: Kamala Harris and her media tactics reveal how unqualified she is as President

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There she goes again.

Kamala Harris gave another interview that reveals why she hides from questions.Β 

She has nothing to say!Β 

In an 11-minute sit-down with a Pennsylvania ABC affiliate that has drawn over 5 million views on X, the vice president lapsed into recycled sound bites and snippets from past speeches.Β 

Reporter Brian Taff asked direct questions about policies, but never got direct answers.

She filibustered with tales about her childhood, with the inane kicker being that β€œfolks were very proud of their lawn.” 

Wow, so deep β€” if she’s mind-melding with Chauncey Gardiner from β€œBeing There.” 

As for the β€œopportunity economy” she promises, Harris offered no new insights, instead repeating pledges to give away money to small businesses, parents and homebuyers.Β 

How does she differentiate herself from Joe Biden?Β 

β€œI am a different person. . . . I’m obviously not Joe Biden.” 

Checkered β€˜fact-check’ 

How does she appeal to Donald Trump’s voters?Β 

β€œPeople want a leader who brings us together” she said, before citing the support of Liz and Dick Cheney as proof!Β 

Count on the interview being her last one for awhile.

Back to the Biden basement strategy for the wannabe leader of the free world!Β 

Still, the segment does serve a larger purpose by illustrating how much she benefited from ABC’s bias at last week’s debate.Β 

Catch up on The Post’s debate coverage

The network denies claims it gave Harris the questions beforehand, but the case isn’t closed.Β 

It can’t be because the ABC moderators so blatantly tipped the scales in Harris’ favor with a rigged β€œfact-checking” scheme they employed only against Trump.Β 

Harris was protected with selective questions and moderators didn’t press for details or call out her false claims.Β 

As new evidence emerges, the debate looks as if it was a trap designed to ensnare Trump and humiliate him in front of 67 million viewers.

As such, it has more in common with a political dirty trick than honest journalism.Β 

Moderators David Muir and Linsey Davis accused the former president of giving false or misleading answers five times.

But thanks to an interview Davis gave after the debate, we know the tilt was planned.Β 

She told the Los Angeles Times the idea of live fact-checking emerged from the June debate between Trump and Joe Biden on CNN.Β 

β€œPeople were concerned that statements were allowed to just hang and not [be] disputed by the candidate, Biden at the time, or the moderators,” Davis was quoted as saying.Β 

She references only Trump even though Biden made false claims, such as saying no American soldiers died on his watch despite the fact that 13 service members were killed in his abandonment of Afghanistan.Β 

That didn’t concern ABC.

It’s only takeaway was to fact-check Trump.Β 

Most troubling, Davis revealed that specific questions were asked of Trump because she and Muir studied hours of his speeches and anticipated his answers.Β 

They then devised corrections based on his expected answers.

In effect, they selected questions designed to catch Trump making statements they could declare false.Β 

That’s more like election interference than public service.Β 

Anti-Trump trapΒ 

Davis revealed the outlines of the entrapment plan to LA Times writer Stephen Battaglio.

She told him she and Muir spent weeks gaming out scenarios β€œwhere the anchors and ABC News producers tested their questions and played out the possible responses.” 

Regarding a key moment during the debate, Battaglio wrote that Davis and Muir β€œfully anticipated that Trump’s erroneous abortion claim would come up when she questioned him on the issue.” 

Davis explained her expectation of what Trump would say by adding, β€œPoliticians tend to say the same things again and again.” 

Trump walked into the trap β€” and Davis pounced.Β 

Asked about his view of limits to abortion access, Trump defended the concept by citing a former governor of Virginia backing the killing of certain infants up to and even after birth.Β 

He was referring to Democrat Ralph Northam, who said in 2019 that in cases of deformities or a nonviable fetus, β€œThe infant would be delivered; the infant would be kept comfortable; the infant would be resuscitated, if that’s what the mother and the family desired. And then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.” 

As soon as Trump finished, Davis delivered her planned β€œfact-check,” declaring, β€œThere is no state in this country where it is legal to kill a baby after it’s born.” 

The plan worked β€” except the facts are not as clear as she made them seem.Β 

For example, The Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America group said Davis was wrong and demanded ABC issue a correction in a letter that read: β€œHer statement tragically ignores the reality of babies who survive failed, late-term abortions but are denied basic medical care and left to die.” 

Also, nine states and Washington, DC, have no term limits on abortions, according to the Guttmacher Institute.Β 

In another sequence, Muir said Trump was wrong to say crime was rising, citing FBI statistics.

But it’s well-known that upwards of 20% of local and state officials do not report crime stats to the feds.Β 

Thus, the facts are debatable and the issues should have been left to the candidates.

But that wasn’t good enough for ABC, which inserted its opinions in an example of media arrogance and partisanship.Β 

I am among those who believed Harris outperformed Trump during the 90-minute debate, but knowledge of ABC’s biased scheme gives me pause.Β 

Had the candidates been held to a single standard, had Harris been pressed to be specific instead of giving vacuous speeches and been corrected when wrong, my scorecard would have been different, maybe even close to a tie.Β 

Instead, ABC kept Trump on defense and created an unfair impression that much of what he said was false and everything Harris said was true, which is certainly not the case.Β 

Among her false statements was that Trump was praising neo-Nazis when he said there were β€œfine people on both sides” during a 2016 confrontation in Virginia.

It is well-known he said in the next sentence that β€œI’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally.” 

Why didn’t the moderators correct Harris with that fact?Β 

They also stayed mum when she insisted β€œthere is not one member of the United States military who is in active duty in a combat zone in any war zone around the world.” 

In reality, there are thousands of American troops in combat zones in Iraq, Syria and Israel.

Last January, three US soldiers were killed by a drone attack in Jordan from an Iranian proxy and scores of others were wounded in similar strikes in Iraq.Β 

The Houthis attacked our ships in the Red Sea and our military is deployed in warring parts of Africa.Β 

Did the moderators not know any of this?

Or were they completely corrupted by their desire to damage Trump?Β 

If that’s the case, they succeeded, at least temporarily.

But in the process, they made ABC the biggest loser of the night.Β 

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