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Politics: John Fetterman's Clash With 'the View' Over Trump's Nyc

POLITICS: John Fetterman’s clash with ‘The View’ over Trump’s NYC trial shows Dems STILL living in denial

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Want to send lib “journalists” into a frenzy? Tell them the truth. 

That’s what Sen. John Fetterman did on “The View.” 

In the course of chatting about the current political landscape, the Pennsylvania Dem told the hosts that he thinks President Trump’s NYC “hush money” trial was “politically motivated. That wouldn’t otherwise have been prosecuted if it was someone else.”

Obviously true: Trump was convicted of expired business-records misdemeanors elevated to spurious felonies under the guise of a dubious conspiracy theory about supposed federal crimes that the feds never charged — a completely new legal doctrine minted especially to prosecute the ex-prez.  

Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg’s prosecution was political from the start, part of a wide-scale effort by local, state and national Democrats to hobble Trump’s re-election chances. 

Indeed, prominent Biden lackey Matthew Colangelo actually quit his Justice gig to come help out with it, and even some lefty commentators found it unsavory. 

But for “The View” host Sunny Hostin, a proud woke racist and shrill Resistance freak, calling out this scheme was cause for her trademark outrage.

“Just for clarification,” she spluttered. “Did you mean that the 34-count case in which Donald Trump was found guilty of various financial crimes was politically motivated here in New York?” 

She, and most of the left elite, literally can’t see the line between reality and ideology. 

And while the GOP victory in November has prompted some reassessment, reality denial is still endemic among Democrats.

That’s a shame, since plenty of prominent Democrats are not certifiable and want to actually govern the country for the best (even if we disagree with them about how).

Fetterman’s one; Massachusetts Rep. Seth Moulton is another; others are emerging as well.

But as long as the delusional caucus predominates, sane Dems don’t have a hope in heck. 

Admitting you have a problem is the first step to recovery. The wider Democratic Party needs to understand that before it can move forward.  

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