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POLITICS: How Immigration Destroyed American Industry – USSA News

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When you import a cheaper workforce, you displace your own people who would work in those industries. They can no longer compete on price, since they have established homes and families and need certain wages. If you go further and subsidize your new workforce with free socialist giveaways, the old workforce is at an even greater disadvantage.

Third world immigration into America — whether H-1Bs or illegal aliens — has priced out the domestic workforce, sending them off to do nothingwork office jobs instead, and now huge sectors of the economy like construction, entry-level tech support, and food service have been entirely replaced with immigrants.

To support this change, government bureaucrats busily wrote millions of lines of regulations — basically, rules made by agencies and not by elected officials — to dumb down jobs, making them even more granular and specific, while creating whole new fields for people to sit in offices and do paperwork.

Add affirmative action to that mix, which required dumbing down jobs even further in order to accommodate people appointed for their protected group status instead of ability, and the workforce became an absolute sewer, getting worst during the 0bama years.

America will face a difficult period of adjustment. First, Trump is moving us toward a supply-side economy away from the demand-side “fast money” policies of the transformers. Like when Reagan did the same after the Carter years, this means two years of lean times as the entire economy re-aligns.

Next, there will be changes with the loss of cheap illegal alien labor and infinite H-1Bs. To lure normal Americans back into these jobs, companies are going to have to offer work-life balance. No one has mentioned this of yet, but that means eliminating make-work and pro forma activities like endless Zoom meetings and diversity trainings.

Finally, the country will have to find a new economic goal other than constant “growth.” Although it sounds like a good thing, “growth” refers to economic activity, and it is mostly created by government rules and stimulus. Without growth, we have to focus on quality and competing in a worldwide market.

At some point, America will have to face its union problem. Unions demanded wages and other cost increases that priced American labor out of the international market by such a distance that manufacturing went overseas and cheap warm bodies labor became the norm here.

While unions kicked open the door, immigration destroyed American industry. It is now a toxic ecosystem based on a constant flood of people it can exploit while they are subsidized by government, and its own planned obsolescence is driven now by regulations that force upgrades instead of actual improvements.

This presents a complicated challenge because the golden age of consumerism featured new technologies like washers/dryers, air conditioners, washing machines, water heaters, telephones, computers, and televisions that now are mature technologies and therefore have lower profit margins.

In addition, the greed of the voters for free stuff from government caused a massive increase in taxes that has both paralyzed business and made it impossible, through the magic of property taxes, for ordinary individuals to have homesteads with chickens, cows, and garden to supplement the food they buy at grocery stores.

As Late Stage Democracy winds down, it is looking more like a giant wealth burst from technology was sacrificed for egalitarian programs, leaving behind a shell of an economy. Rebuilding it will require mobilization on the level of wartime to get people back into functional jobs to take the place of the departing warm bodies labor.

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