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Politics: Harris Talks Immigration At Dnc; Black Community Outraged Over

POLITICS: Harris Talks Immigration At DNC; Black Community Outraged Over Migrant Spending – One America News Network

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OAN Staff Alicia Summers
3:02 PM – August 23, 2024

Harris spoke more than expected about immigration at the DNC. But today’s issue is simple and can be summarized in one word: “illegal.” There have been more than 10 million encounters with illegal immigrants under the Biden-Harris administration, according to CBP data. Republicans say Biden and Harris created the crisis and now claim a new border bill is needed to fix the mess they created. However, under Trump, the border was more secure without a new border bill. In Chicago, a sanctuary city, many in the Black community are outraged over the hundreds of millions of tax dollars spent on migrants while their own people suffer. Illinois Policy reports that $300 million has been spent in Chicago alone since 2022 on benefits for those in the country illegally. One man was on a mission to hear what Chicagoans had to say. Andre Barnes, HBCU Engagement Director for “NUMBERS USA,” interviewed people in the Black community during the DNC and joins Alicia Summers to discuss.

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