POLITICS: Greenpeace court loss shows how to break the lefty thug industrial complex

Politics: greenpeace court loss shows how to break the lefty

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The tide may be turning against the dark network of activist nonprofits that have been funding and enabling American disorder for years.

Witness the decision of a North Dakota jury to award massive damages against Greenpeace to the oil company whose project it tried to scuttle — some $667 million to Energy Transfer, the owner/operator of the Dakota Access Pipeline.

The sum would be tantamount to a death sentence for the group, which lacks the cash to pay it by its own admission. 

And that is very much a good thing.  

Greenpeace, in the DAP case, sent money and material to help the vandals, thugs and professional extremists who infiltrated the legitimate (albeit misguided) protests against the pipeline, reportedly muscling out local indigenous leaders in favor of largely white people playing at revolution.  

That has nothing to do with principled advocacy against environmental harm, and everything to do with power attained through violence. 

It’s the classic playbook of the modern left: Use a wide-ranging network of nonprofits to funnel money into rioting, arson and looting on behalf of causes favored by wealthy people aligned with the Democratic Party. 

The tentifada that exploded across college campuses?

The activist groups behind it, such as Jewish Voice for Peace, get big bucks from George Soros’ various fronts like the Tides Foundation, the Rockefeller Brothers Foundation and other bigs in the nonprofit space.

And Tides itself is merely one component in the Tides Nexus, an umbrella group of similar outfits that enjoys the backing of everyone from Soros to Pierre Omidyar to Peter Buffett.

Soros also shows up on the other side of the ledger as well, greasing lefty DAs into office with campaign megabucks — the political comrades of those who went so easy on violent BLM protestors during the Floyd riots. 

These are big fish indeed, clear reminders that when Dems screech about “unelected billionaires” driving radical policy, they are projecting. 

The quickest possible way to break up this racket is by hitting the front-group “charities” in their pocketbooks, as hard and as often as possible, via justified legal action, plus laws to force the donors into the sunlight. 

And broken they must be, as the Floyd riots, the post-Oct. 7 campus tentifada and countless other explosions of disorder prove. 

So good on the North Dakota judge and good on Energy Transfer. More, and faster, please. 

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