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Politics: “full Of Lies” – Donald Trump Blasts Biden’s Dnc

POLITICS: “Full Of Lies” – Donald Trump Blasts Biden’s DNC Speech

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Joe Biden’s speech at the DNC was set to take place at 9:50 p.m. local time.

His speech was pushed back over a half hour later which pushed it out of primetime.

One Biden aide is cited as saying, “this is awful.”

Once the speech started it didn’t get better.

The New York Post called the speech “angry” and “bitter.”


The New York Post reported:

Biden was set to speak at 9:50 p.m. local time, but his speaking time was delayed by verbose remarks by his warm-up speakers, including Hillary Clinton and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) — who gushed over Biden’s tenure after forcing him to step aside.

The delay meant the president was pushed out of prime time.

Biden ended up speaking at 10:27 p.m. local time — 11:27 p.m. Eastern — limiting the number of live viewers. About half of Americans live in the Eastern time zone.

He wrapped up well after midnight in New York.

A Biden aide told Axios: “This is awful. He literally set up a campaign and handed it over to them — do they have to cut him out of prime time?”

Donald Trump blasted the speech Biden gave calling it “An angry and ranting Speech full of LIES.”

Truth Social:

An angry and ranting Speech full of LIES, Biden took credit for everything done during the Trump Administration, even continuing to say that he was better on Inflation and Jobs. He never mentioned the Afghanistan Disaster and all the Wars he got us into, or the fact that far more people died from COVID during the Biden years than the Trump years. The Jobs Biden/Harris “created” were almost 100% from Illegal Aliens pouring into our Country, which are destroying the lives of our Black and Hispanic population!

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