POLITICS: Establishment Throws Biden Under The Bus … It’s Official, He’s Done – The Beltway Report

Politics: Establishment Throws Biden Under The Bus … It’s Official,

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OPINION| In a stunning turn of events, The Economist has thrown President Joe Biden under the bus with a brutal cover that leaves little doubt about their opinion of his fitness for office. The cover, featuring a walker adorned with the presidential seal, is accompanied by the headline “No Way to Run a Country.” The accompanying article, titled “Why Biden Must Withdraw,” describes Biden’s performance in his first presidential debate as “awful” and “agony to watch.”

The Economist’s scathing critique comes as no surprise to many Trump supporters, who have long questioned Biden’s cognitive abilities. The president’s frequent gaffes and moments of confusion have fueled speculation about his mental acuity, with some suggesting that he may be suffering from dementia.

The cover and article have sparked a firestorm of controversy, with many on the left accusing The Economist of bias and sensationalism. However, the magazine has stood by its reporting, arguing that Biden’s performance in the debate was a clear indication of his inability to effectively lead the country.

“The cover-up has been worse,” The Economist writes, slamming the Biden campaign’s attempt to “deny what tens of millions of Americans saw with their own eyes.” The article goes on to argue that Biden and presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump offer a choice between the “incapable” and the “unspeakable.”

The Economist’s cover is just the latest in a series of blows to Biden’s presidency. The president’s approval ratings have plummeted in recent months, with many Americans expressing dissatisfaction with his handling of the economy, immigration, and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

The article also highlights the growing chorus of voices calling for Biden to step aside and allow a younger, more capable candidate to take his place. “Biden’s decision to seek re-election rather than standing aside for a younger standard-bearer now looks like a reckless endangerment of the democracy he claims to want to protect,” The Economist writes.

The cover and article have been met with glee by Trump supporters, who see it as a vindication of their long-held concerns about Biden’s fitness for office. “The Economist is finally telling it like it is,” one Trump supporter wrote on Twitter. “Biden is a disaster for America, and it’s time for him to go.”

However, the Biden campaign has dismissed the cover and article as nothing more than a political hit job. “The Economist is clearly biased against President Biden,” a campaign spokesperson said in a statement. “Their cover is a desperate attempt to distract from the real issues facing our country.”

The controversy surrounding Biden’s mental fitness is sure to be a major issue in the 2024 presidential election. With the president’s approval ratings at an all-time low, many Democrats are privately questioning whether he is the best candidate to lead the party into the next election cycle.

As the nation grapples with a host of challenges, including rising inflation, a surge in illegal immigration, and a stalled legislative agenda, the question of Biden’s fitness for office looms large. The Economist’s brutal cover and article have only added fuel to the fire, leaving many to wonder how much longer Biden can hold on to the presidency.

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