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Crime, Part 2: What Punishment Is Due for a Monster?

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The post Crime, Part 2: What Punishment Is Due for a Monster? first appeared on USSA News | The Tea Party’s Front Page.. Visit

(L) Traci Derwin, Photo: YouTube (C) Craig Murray, Photo: (R)Winnie Mandela, 1936-2018, Photo:

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB

Who are the monsters today? What is the worst thing a human can do to his fellow man? If some new capacity for hurting a whole society, or the whole human race, should emerge, do our old ideas of punishment suit the occasion?

The Evolution of Punishment

When did we evolve a moral impulse? Is there even such a thing as a moral impulse? Many mammal species have emotions. Among the emotions that we share with other species are anger, frustration, an urge to rise in the hierarchy, love of kin, and loyalty to one’s tribe.

Any such emotion gets triggered in the appropriate circumstance. It appears that natural selection has selected all of those emotions as they have an effect on benefitting the individual. β€œMoral restraint” benefits the human individual, too β€” very likely it is biologically based.

After the evolution of language, it became possible to state the rules of society openly. Rules? What rules? The teaching of do’s and don’ts was already present in the way a mother guides the young to learn necessary behaviors. Furthermore, it appears that people desire their society to have specific rules that make life predictable. (β€œWalk on the right side of the stairway, for Pete’s sake.”)

Whose Bailiwick Be This?Β 

Once writing became possible, the rules became quite specific. Within religions, morality is a main focus. And philosophers have tried to construct theories as to what is going on and how to better it.

It recently struck me that our philosophizing about punishment for wrongdoers has fallen off. Ask: who decides what the punishment should be for such and such a crime? Typically it’s the product of a legislature. But legislators tend to let their legal staffers draft laws in a perfunctory way. Β Should a speeding driver, or a mugger, get two years in prison or be fined $10,000 or what? It’s rare for society to hold a debate on the appropriate punishment.

(That lack of debate may not be an oversight. There’s such a hidden hand of protection for high-up criminals that it may well be part of the game to assure that the public ignores this topic.)

Difficulty Recognizing Monstrous Treason

Recently, the most beautiful place in Hawaii, possibly the most beautiful in the world, was deliberately β€œexcised from the planet.” On August 8, 2023, by using energy weapons, probably launched from satellites, the town of Lahaina on the Island of Maui, was reduced to ashes. Twenty-three hundred dwellings disappeared. Poof! Locals were murdered. Poof!

That was certainly not a first in history β€” the Allies, for example, bombed the magnificent German city of Dresden, even after such activity was not needed for victory in war.Β  But two aspects of the Lahaina fire stand out: 1. The victims and the guilty party are of the same people, Americans (they are not, say, a Chinese conqueror). 2. Almost everyone is silent about the amazing event of 8/8. I can count on one hand the people who are raising a stink about it, e.g., Traci Derwin.

Why the silence? Possibly because β€œIt’s too much to think about.” We don’t have a ready category for huge treason.Β  In fact, the only traitor I recall being taught about, in school, was Benedict Arnold, who chose to stay loyal to the British king while his neighbors were declaring Independence.

I can also think of the model of treason that we saw on 9/11, Americans killing Americans. But since we were immediately fed the false-flag story of 19 Arab hijackers, it remained possible for the public to stay asleep. In fact, to speak out was quite dicey. It meant you were a traitor for blaming our Dear Leaders, Bush and Cheney. Many who did so were ostracized by their own family!

Discussion of Punishments Might Relieve the Silence

It occurs to me that both our secular law and our biblical law did not have to design a punishment for mass treason, since there was no mass treason happening. Whenever gory things were done, they were done to strangers that had been identified as the enemy, or as backward people β€œneeding” to be upgraded, such as by the Romans and later the Dutch, British, etc.

Today we do have mass treason, and I am suggesting that one cause of the deafening silence, is that there is nothing on the books about it. So let’s get something on the books. To start the conversation, I propose that we establish a special category of crime where the naughty party is focused on a plan to alter humanity biologically, and/or to alter the environment, i.e., Nature.Β  Let’s call that person a god-imposter.

(Whoops, don’t reach for your dictionary to look up β€œblasphemy”. I am not addressing the sin by which an individual β€” say, the late David Rockefeller β€” claims to be God. I am interested in what he does when he is impersonating God.)

OK, so what punishment is appropriate? I recommend we do something very physical to the miscreant. Don’t tell me it’s against the law. We are making law. A debate can’t start until there is something to debate. How about we write a law that says the god-imposter gets thrown to the lions?

β€œBeen there, done that,” you say. OK, how about all members of society are required to walk past the criminal, who is bound to the ground, and drop a stone on his head. That mimics a traditional punishment in Saudi Arabia for females who step out of line sexually.

Moving up to the 20th century, we have the government of Uzbekistan boiling people β€” as revealed by British diplomat whistleblower Craig Murray. So why should the people not boil the government that performs such torture.? I mean seriously. Anyone who has done something so monstrous deserves that or worse.

Do you recall that Nelson Mandela’s wife, Winnie Mandela, approved the use of β€˜necklacing’ as punishment for Blacks who ratted to Whites about Black liberation plans? Folks would put a car tire around the traitor’s neck, pour petrol on it, and set it on fire. Public jeering at the site was a necessary part of this. That’s what I’m after. β€œLet the punishment fit the crime.”

The Two New Monster Crimes

I mentioned the destruction of Lahaina, Hawaii.Β  This may qualify as a new crime to be listed as Plan to Destroy the Planet. Above, I proposed β€œa category of crime where the naughty party is focused on a plan to alter humanity biologically, and/or to alter the environment, i.e., Nature.”

If the Lahaina fire was a one-off, it would not qualify, but more likely it was a β€œpilot project” for changing Nature by use of energy weapons. The US Navy boasts of its ability to use lasers against enemies, but this article omits what we do to others in war. The focus is on β€œmass treason.”

As for a β€œPlan To Alter Humanity Biologically,” one thinks of the recent discovery that some of the anti-Covid vaccines contain β€œmRNA.” Once it enters the person’s body it may change their DNA, thus affecting future generations. (We also have been changing species of plants under the rubric GMO β€” genetically modified organism, but to keep the monster crimes limited I’m speaking only of β€œGMO humans.”)

The plan to alter humanity biologically also includes AI β€” Artificial Intelligence, and β€œthe Internet of Things. The scientific skills for such inventions were not available until the 21st century. Thus we have never addressed the subject of relevant punishments Maybe there are moral philosophers working on this today but I don’t know of them.

I think β€˜monstrosity’ should also include things that are done to people as β€˜mind control.’ Since the mid-20th century there has been an ability to insert the will of one person into the brains of thousands. This alters humanity biologically, insofar as the word β€˜humanity’ denotes our entire heritage. Β Many things in our culture were invented by independent minds.

(A point made by Philip Allott in his 2016 magnum opus, Eutopia.)

Note: Thanks to the phenomenon known as Hollywood, and the calculated buy-up of newspapers by a handful of β€œmedia magnates,” our culture has been quite designable by persons with knowledge of mind control. Also note: The new phase of censorship that we are going through today is a biological restriction on the brain β€” you can’t make intelligent judgments when you lack the necessary input.

What Are the Legal Restrictions on Declaring New Punishments?

I have boldly referred to such punishments as stoning, feeding to the lions, boiling, and necklacing. Personally, I don’t feel that those punishments are strong enough β€” not that it matters what I, as one individual, feel. The making of new laws is a task for society, albeit at the moment we have Congresspersons whose priorities are to act as the servant of powerful globalists rather than making thoughtful legislation.

There are two constitutional holdbacks in the United States. One is the Eighth Amendment in the Bill of Rights that says β€œcruel and unusual punishments [must not] be inflicted.” The US Supreme Court has maintained that cruelty is a term not pinnable down to any particular thing β€” granted, no one has yet brought a case that involved the punishment of boiling.

The other holdback is the attainder clause in Article I, section 9, which says β€œNo …  ex post facto law shall be passed [by Congress].” Again, the jurisprudence is flexible, sometimes allowing a jury to punish actions that pre-date the laws. In Harisiades v. Shaughnessy, in 1952, SCOTUS wrote: β€œThe challengersΒ were not caught unawares by a change of law. There can be no contention that they were not adequately forewarned both that their conduct was prohibited and of its consequences.”

So perhaps Bill Gates could be charged with already existing law such as homicide, and be given the old penalty, death. Ah, isn’t boiling a means of death? Here one would need to consult the state law of the state in which the trial took place. I am not aware of restrictions on boiling, per se, but different states do use different means of killing the condemned convict. In 2015, Utah passed a law to permit a firing squad to do the executing.Β  And how about necklacing?

Note: A federal statute was recently passed to outlaw lynching: the Emmet Till Anti-lynching Act of 2022.Β  Of course that has nothing to do with a legally imposed death sentence, but with street action that is racism-based. Lynching is now designated as a β€œhate crime,” codified at 18 USC 249. Even mere conspiring to lynch can bring β€œup to 30 years in prison.”

The Bible Told Me So

Here are some quotes from the Psalms and from Isaiah about punishment, compiled at

Psalm 59:5
You, LORD God of hosts, are God of Israel. Rouse yourself to punish all the nations; spare none of those who treacherously plot evil.

Psalm 69:27
Add to them punishment upon punishment; may they have no acquittal from you.

Psalm 89:31–33
If they violate my statutes … then I will punish their transgression with the rod and their iniquity with stripes.

Isaiah 10:3
What will you do on the day of punishment …. To whom will you flee for help, and where will you leave your wealth?

Isaiah 24:21–22
On that day the LORD will punish… the kings of the earth, on the earth. They will be gathered together as prisoners in a pit….

Isaiah 26:21
For behold, the LORD is coming …to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity, and the earth will disclose the blood shed on it….

Isaiah 13:11
I will put an end to the pomp of the arrogant, and lay low the pompous pride of the ruthless. [Yay!]

Isaiah 27:1
In that day the LORD with his hard and great and strong sword will punish Leviathan the fleeing serpent…. [Yay, yay!]


I think that Proverbs best captures the point that this article tries to make:
β€œWhen a scoffer is punished, the simple becomes wise….” (Proverbs 21:11)

Or, to customize that: β€œIf you can’t talk about Lahaina, or mRNA-laden vaccines today, because the horror of it is outside your brain’s experience, maybe watching the guilty get one hell of a punishment will make it OK for you to discuss these crimes.” [Yay, yay, yay!]

Caveat: Nothing in this article is meant to say that we should use boiling, etc, or that Bill Gates, etc is a worthy boilee. The point is to loosen up the overwhelmed brain and make for a no-holds-barred debate about punishing monsters. I hope commenters won’t ask β€œWhich penalty would best deter future monsters?’”, or β€œHow might we rehabilitate an imprisoned monster?”  Really, the whole exercise of finding a punishment, as above, is to call attention to the monstrosities that are occurring.

β€” For Part 1 of this Crime series, see

Mary W Maxwell’s website is

The post Crime, Part 2: What Punishment Is Due for a Monster? appeared first on Gumshoe News.

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Author: Craig A

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The post Crime, Part 2: What Punishment Is Due for a Monster? first appeared on USSA News | The Tea Party’s Front Page.. Visit

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