POLITICS: Celebrating America’s Freedom | America’s Hope (July 1st) – Video

Celebrating America’s Freedom | America’s Hope (July 1st)

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⭕ Watch the full episode on EpochTV👉 https://ept.ms/AmericasFreedom_YT
America’s Hope is celebrating our one-year anniversary. We want to thank you for watching us and encouraging us to keep pushing the message of Hope across a spectrum of life. A year ago, we launched this show with the purpose of not shying away from hard topics of discussion but amid those tough topics like war, political, racial and religious divisions, and more. We look for hope in despair, faith over fear, and love over hate. So, here is our first episode that we aired a year ago to launch America’s Hope to celebrate the founding of America.
Kelly Wright, America’s Hope, freedom, independence, American Revolution, celebration, anniversary,


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