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POLITICS: BREAKING: Terrorists Firebomb Jewish Preschool in Islamized Sydney (Video) – USSA News

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In the wake of the ceasefire between Hamas and Israel, Sydney, Australia, became the scene of a horrifying anti-Jewish attack. A Jewish childcare center in Maroubra was firebombed and defaced with vile graffiti proclaiming, “F*CK The Jews.” This wasn’t an isolated event—it’s part of a broader, escalating pattern of hatred emboldened by a government too fearful or complicit to act decisively.

This attack serves as a grim reminder of the Left’s alliance with Islam, where deception is the main weapon. Just days ago, the same groups claiming to be victims of genocide were quick to declare victory. While kinetic attacks on Israel may pause momentarily, the real target is clear: Jewish people worldwide. The message is unmistakable—this hatred has been exported and is now thriving on Australian soil.

The Warning Signs Ignored

Back in 2017, Australian authorities banned the construction of a synagogue near Bondi Beach, claiming they couldn’t protect it from terrorist attacks. Instead of tackling the root cause—Islamic extremism—the government punished the Jewish community, essentially declaring their inability to uphold the basic freedoms of their citizens. That should have been the moment to close the borders and stop the importation of this ideology. But instead, they opened the floodgates wider.

Today, the consequences of that cowardice are on full display. Jewish families in Sydney are questioning if it’s even safe to send their children to preschool. Places of worship, homes, and now childcare centers are being targeted in an escalating campaign of hatred.

Imported Hatred, A Nation in Crisis

This attack is not an isolated incident. It’s part of a growing wave of antisemitic crimes across Australia. From synagogues defaced with swastikas to cars torched with threats spayed painted on them,” the trend is undeniable. Since October 2023, 181 arrests have been made under operations targeting hate crimes, including many tied to attacks on Jews.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and NSW Premier Chris Minns may posture with tough words, but their actions show a refusal to confront the root issue: Islam and its enablers in the Left. Their promises of tougher laws and increased police resources ring hollow when the very ideology driving these attacks remains unchecked.

The Truth About the Threat

The evidence is in the Koran itself for those still unwilling to see the pattern. The goal of Islam, as repeatedly stated, is clear—domination. The ultimate aim remains the same through any means necessary, whether by violent action or strategic infiltration. Those who fail to understand this are complicit in their own downfall.

A Nation in Denial

Australia’s leniency is destroying its identity, safety, and freedom. The Left’s obsession with multiculturalism and its refusal to confront Islamic terror have left the country vulnerable to this growing threat. These attacks will only escalate unless Australians demand real leadership—leaders willing to name the enemy and take decisive action.

How many more preschools need to burn? How many more synagogues need to be defaced? The time for excuses is over. It’s time for Australians to wake up and confront the truth before it’s too late.

The post BREAKING: Terrorists Firebomb Jewish Preschool in Islamized Sydney (Video) appeared first on RAIR.

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