POLITICS: Biden “Worst President” In Modern History

Politics: Biden “worst President” In Modern History

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Joe Biden is the worst President in modern history according to a new poll.

The poll found that Joe Biden had a -30, which is worse than both Richard Nixon and Donald Trump.

44% put him in the worst two while only 14% put him in the top 2.

Daily Mail reported:

Voters have delivered a devastating verdict on Joe Biden’s time in office, branding him the worst president in almost 50 years.

Yet when 1006 registered voters were asked to rank the last nine presidents in order, from best to worst, Biden came at the very bottom of the table, making him the worst in 47 years.

Some 44 percent placed him as one of the worst two, while only 14 percent placed him in the top two, giving him a net score of 30 points underwater.

That was worse than Nixon, who came out with negative 25, and Donald Trump, with negative 15.

James Johnson, cofounder of J.L. Partners which conducted the poll, called it a ‘diabolical’ result for Biden.

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