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Politics: Biden Should Treat 'gold Bar Bob' Menendez Pardon Bid

POLITICS: Biden should treat ‘Gold Bar Bob’ Menendez pardon bid as an insult to his own integrity

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Disgraced Sen. Bob Menendez is reportedly angling for a presidential pardon after resigning his Senate seat and dropping his independent bid to recover it in November.

Utterly despicable.

Fine, getting his name off the ballot makes it easier for Democrats to hold the seat, and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) saw Menendez (D-NJ) as a reliable vote all these years — but even a party loyalist like President Biden should feel no call to reward that by letting “Gold Bar” escape his richly deserved prison time.

He’s a shameless crook, convicted last month on 16 federal counts of bribery and corruption for accepting cash, gold, luxury gifts and a no-show job for his wife in exchange for abusing his political power as chief of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to advance the interests of three businessmen and the governments of Egypt and Qatar.

At trial, Menendez’s attorneys argued he’d stashed gobs of cash and gold in his closet because of “intergenerational trauma” rooted in his parents’ flight from Cuba and also his wife’s heritage, since her Lebanese family liked “to give gold and other precious metals as gifts.”

His chutzpah in angling for a pardon is every bit as bold.

Biden will never face the voters again; his only concern can be for his duty and his legacy.

He’ll serve both if he publicly and firmly rejects Menendez’s pardon bid right now — ideally while calling for Judge Sidney Stein to throw the book at the crook.

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