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Politics: Biden May Not Be The Democratic Nominee By Weeks

POLITICS: Biden May NOT Be The Democratic Nominee By Weeks End Warns … – The Beltway Report

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Well, folks, it looks like the Democratic party might be in for a bit of a shakeup. Charlamagne tha God, the popular radio host and political commentator, has issued a warning to Joe Biden: he might not be the Democratic nominee by the end of the week. That’s right, the very same Joe Biden who’s been leading the polls and seems to have the nomination all but locked up.

So, what’s the reason for this sudden warning? Well, it all comes down to the upcoming CNN Presidential Debate. Charlamagne believes that if Biden doesn’t perform well in the debate, the Democratic party might have no choice but to pull him from the race. And let’s be honest, with Biden’s track record of gaffes and missteps, that’s not exactly an unlikely scenario.

But here’s the thing: even if Biden does well in the debate, it might not be enough to save his nomination. Charlamagne points out that the muted microphones during the debate might not benefit Biden, who’s 80-plus years old and trying to keep up with every single lie Trump lays out. And let’s not forget about Trump’s calls for Biden to take a drug test before the debate. If Biden does take a drug test and fails, it could be the final nail in the coffin for his nomination.

Now, I know what you’re thinking: “But Trump has his own problems, doesn’t he?” And you’re right, he does. But let’s not forget that Trump has a way of turning his weaknesses into strengths. He’s like a political Houdini, always managing to escape from seemingly impossible situations. And if Biden stumbles in the debate, Trump will be there to pounce on his mistakes and turn them into a political advantage.

So, what does this all mean for the Democratic party? Well, it means that they might have to start thinking about a Plan B. And let’s be honest, Plan B probably doesn’t involve Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren. No, it probably involves someone like Kamala Harris or Pete Buttigieg, both of whom have been quietly positioning themselves as potential replacements for Biden.

But here’s the thing: even if Biden does lose the nomination, it doesn’t mean that Trump will win the election. The American people are tired of the same old political games, and they’re looking for someone who can bring real change to Washington. And if the Democrats can’t provide that, then the American people might just decide to give Trump another chance.

In the end, it all comes down to the American people. They’re the ones who will decide the fate of the country, and they’re the ones who will have the final say on who gets to sit in the Oval Office. So, let’s just sit back, grab some popcorn, and watch the political drama unfold.

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