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Politics: Biden/harris Blocked Ukraine Russia Peace Deal

POLITICS: Biden/Harris Blocked Ukraine-Russia Peace Deal

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The post Biden/Harris Blocked Ukraine-Russia Peace Deal first appeared on USSA News | The Tea Party’s Front Page.. Visit

So how many Russian and Ukrainian lives and billions of dollars of U.S. aid to Ukraine could have been saved?

Biden-Harris Official Admits They Blocked a Ukraine-Russia Peace Deal


Anti-Russia warmonger and recent Biden-Harris official Victoria Nuland has admitted that Ukraine and Russia were approaching a peace deal in 2022 but that the United States blocked the deal, claiming it was unfair to Ukraine.

Nuland was questioned about claims first reported by Raheem Kassam, Editor-in-Chief of The National Pulse, suggesting that British Prime Minister Boris Johnson had encouraged Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to reject a potential peace deal with Moscow in 2022.

This was later confirmed by Russian President Vladimir Putin during an interview with Tucker Carlson earlier this year.

Nuland explained that foreign leaders involved in the negotiations believed the parties were close to reaching an agreement. However, the terms of the proposed deal, especially those regarding military constraints on Ukraine but not on Russia, were an issue for Western powers.

“Putin’s main condition was buried in an annex,” she said, referring to restrictions on Ukraine’s future military capabilities while similar limits were not imposed on the Russian military.

She admitted, “People inside Ukraine and people outside Ukraine started asking questions about whether this was a good deal, and it was at that point that it fell apart.”

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©2024. Royal A. Brown III. All rights reserved.

The post Biden/Harris Blocked Ukraine-Russia Peace Deal appeared first on Dr. Rich Swier.

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Author: Royal A. Brown III

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The post Biden/Harris Blocked Ukraine-Russia Peace Deal first appeared on USSA News | The Tea Party’s Front Page.. Visit

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