New York: Wednesday, September 18, 2024
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Politics: Be Ready For A Long Trip If You're Going

POLITICS: Be ready for a long trip if you’re going to Nepal — Kathmandu’s no little schlep

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Taking the high road

Travel expert Geoffrey Weill and I always meandered this planet — Fiji to Kazakhstan — for 30 years. Together.

My only lone foray? Nepal. Mind, Kathmandu’s no little neighborhood schlep. Hanging somewhere up the Himalayas, the international plane change is India.

Its ongoing local flight was a small propeller job. Small. Real small. Like half a drone. My seatmate had interesting luggage. A wooden crate of live chickens. Even Nehru wouldn’t have climbed on.

Lunch? My old can of tuna schlepped from NYC’s Gristedes.

If a co-pilot was crouched up front, no idea. Our actual pilot walked the entire length of the cabin — up and down in this plane — barefoot!

Soap and water is not big in Kathmandu. Neither’s bathroom tissue. So it’s washing the right hand before dining. Forget what you do with the left one.

I mention this because Geoffrey, now suggesting we schlep to its neighboring Bhutan, brought to my apartment His Excellency, the kingdom of Bhutan’s Prime Minister Tshering Tobgay.

Bhutan? BHUTAN?! That’s two blocks from Nepal. I don’t even want to go to Utica. Also, the PM is a Democrat! Harvard educated.

So, anyone inviting me for Labor Day, pay attention. The farthest I’m going is to a share in Quogue. 

Kane moved to join ‘Temple’

Carol Kane. From TV’s “Taxi.” Now starring in “Between the Temples” from Sony Pictures Classics’ Michael Barker and Tom Bernard. Andrew Saffir, who probably catered the Last Supper, did the usual party.

Carol: “The director wanted me! Me! Leading lady at my age! In one scene they taught me how to do a bar mitzvah. Listen, this was done during COVID. We met through Zoom meetings. And I got to learn Hebrew.

“The movie’s hilarious. I know because I also know about survival. That’s within a person’s lifestyle. Try to be polite. Look, I go out to dinner with friends. That’s important. I get tired but it’s like only an hour and a half. For me it’s a casual lifestyle on the Upper West Side. And looking after my mother who’s 97. She’s a musician. She’s still at the piano.

“And Jason Schwartzman’s in it. Everyone should see this film. It’s funny. Raw. Moving. Honest. Hilarious. I’m doing press. People around still know my face.” 

Green House?

Obama, Biden’s puppetmaster, came in poor, went out rich. Or notice Biden & Co. & family came in OK but went out much OKer? 

Giddyup & go

Forget interest rates, mortgages, food prices, poverty, unemployment. The Hamptons now hustles luxury polo outfits! Perfect for the homeless asleep on streets near garbage bags.

Polo House Privé, plus Hamptons Polo House LLC, is launching invite only classy polo events to juice up the Hampton synergy of art, fashion, classy lifestyle. The Icon Global Polo Tour luxury things, which I know all are rushing to, might even headquarter next to the Bridgehampton bus stop.

And why am I telling you all this? Because I am a full and complete reporter and I don’t want you to miss anything. 

How an enthusiast knows if his wife’s fed up with sports? When she strips in front of the TV and announces, “Play me or trade me.”

Only in New York, kids, only in New York.

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