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POLITICS: Americans Anonymous: New book to help America recover

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The post Americans Anonymous: New book to help America recover first appeared on USSA News | The Tea Party’s Front Page.. Visit

Op-ed views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author.

Lenin – the leader of the murderous Bolsheviks who enslaved Russia for more than 70 years – famously asked, what is to be done? That was before he and his Bolsheviks seized power, murdered the Tsar and his family – and proceeded to murder Russia.

Author and conservative commentator Mel K asks, what is to be done – about the latter-day Bolsheviks who are trying to do to America what Lenin and his Bolsheviks did to Russia.

Her new book, Americans Anonymous: Restoring Power to the People One Citizen at a Time, answers that question.

Via what she calls a peaceful revolution based on the resurrection of “personal responsibility, civic engagement and local action on a national scale”that has the potential to cure the dysfunction of a political system that encourages dependence and despair.

Instead, she touts a 12 Step American Recovery Plan that includes recovering the American ideal – expressed in America’s founding documents – that we are competent people capable of being free.

As contrasted with the gradual transformation of many Americans into passive dependents. She explains how this process can be reversed – by each of us recovering our independence.

She discusses the importance of “starting or even just joining a local group or meet up with the cause of liberty and freedom as its focus.”

Of “reaching out to friends or family to express your concern for our nation and society and see how they feel.”

And of listening to them – and asking them questions – rather than dismissing them and feeling morally superior.

She urges us all to challenge ourselves to “to interact casually with strangers in stores, restaurants, or the local gathering spots without an agenda – just casually being friendly and spreading openness and light rather than head down and only interacting when necessary. Smile and make eye contact whenever possible.”

Americans used to be a friendly people. They can be, again.

Perhaps one of the most important things the book discusses is our power to refuse to be victims – even when life has been unfair. It is empowering to realize that the greatest victimizer can be ourselves – when we come to view ourselves as victims.

And when we allow ourselves to be controlled by politicians who want us to think of ourselves as victims.

“This mentality is pervasive today, driven by social and media narratives and this perceived status, if you can call it a status, can often become that person’s perceived reality. It is a debilitating condition, a form of disease.”

One that is acting as a cancer upon this country.

Leftists, of course, are wanting this cancer to metastasize – because it increases the political power of the Left, which for exactly this reason is not much interested in self-motivated, competent people who don’t need Leftists to tell them how to solve their problems.

Or that they are victims.

Step 9 of the American Recovery Plan – Strengthening the Ties that Bind us Together – gets into our neglected duties, as citizens of a free country and the responsibility we each have to recover that freedom. That includes getting involved – rather than opting out. This can mean running for school board or just showing up at school board meetings, to be a part of what’s going on and doing something to make it better, for Americans. For all of us.

And thereby, for America.

Mel advocates for active citizens who look into things for themselves. A major section of the book – Understanding the Global Power Structure And Plan – gets into some detail about the plans of the Left and how to find out about these plans, in order to do something to thwart them. Everything from the WEF to the COVID mass hysteria to the climate change hysteria is delved into, with step-by-step instructions for deconstructing what these hysterias (and plans) are really all about and who is behind them.

“Across the globe people have been propagandized and convinced that we are on the brink of an impending cataclysm” – the reference here is to the “climate change” hysteria but it is merely the latest hysteria.

“Only radical changes in how we live in almost every aspect of our lives can prevent us from suffering the ravages of excessive heat, violent weather, disappearing shorelines, and ultimately the end of humanity on the planet.”

Just like wearing “masks” – so people were told – would “stop the spread.”

“We got to this point in America over a very long period of time. We will not reverse this in a couple of years. Pace yourself. Find ways to savor the gift that is life while still acting as a change agent.”

Change the direction of a community and you can change the direction of a county. Change the direction of a county and you might just change the direction of a state.

And that is how Americans can regain control of America.

If it sounds pat and simple, that’s because it is. But at the same time, it’s not – but only because all-too-many Americans have been conditioned (and browbeaten) to look to others for answers rather than looking at themselves and their responsibilities as Americans first, which is the fundamental theme of Americans Anonymous: Restoring Power to the People One Citizen at a Time.

Greg Young is host of the nationally syndicated Chosen Generation Radio Show which airs Monday through Friday on stations coast to coast. He served as a Russian Linguist at the USAF, discover more at

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Author: Greg Young

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The post Americans Anonymous: New book to help America recover first appeared on USSA News | The Tea Party’s Front Page.. Visit

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