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🚨 JFK Files Drop, Epstein Files Next

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What Do You Think?

  1. No Trump the most important files are the Epstein ones. You guys love to put things out that are long over. This is about children who are recent victims. If he doesn't get it done all respect for him is gone!

  2. I’m not nearly as optimistic now about getting anything worthwhile! What I believe is that there are some extremely powerful folks such as the Clinton’s, that are going to be exposed! I believe some of the most powerful people in the world are guilty! I also believe that these folks are making death threats! I doubt we see any transparency that reveals anything to us! You can’t trust a government that keeps important and relevant information from the public!

  3. Not only do Bondi and Patel need to go through every piece of evidence, but just as important, they need to root out every FBI individual who blocked the release of the filesβ€”they would be moles if left unchecked and would work counter to anything Bondi or Patel wanted to accomplish. Get β€˜em out!!

  4. You pretty much summed it up at the end. NOBODY has been named, arrested, charged or imprisoned. Personally, I don’t ever expect any will be, other than perhaps a sacrificial lamb or two – some low level hapless individual being thrown to the wolves to placate them. Gates? Clinton? Who knows. We can suspect, but I don’t think we’ll ever know.

  5. It is almost certain that the Epstein files (Client Lists), will never be released. It's a sad day and unfortunate for humanity, that the perpetuation of evil will continue into the future.
    It seems that it would take a lot more than a presidential directive (even Trump's directive), to bring the transparency and the truth that is so much needed, especially now that we are at a turning point in a global struggle for justice and peace.

  6. I no longer believe that any further information than what we already have access to will ever be released about Epstein.

    Here's why –
    In the military and with "national security" issues a system called Sentinel is REQUIRED to be used which (to keep this simple) backups the information contained within with ultra high security and redundancy. So if these files were as has been claimed then they ALL would be on that system. If they're not it's Federal Felony. HUGE jail time. These files either exist there or they don't. If they don't then someone or group/office is all going to jail.

    So I believe what you can already find online is what i believe we will ever get.

    Because if we ever found out who the buyers were American Politics and Key BIG Business leaders would be treated like the dog vomit they are and would deserve. Besides we mostly know who these people already are if you utilize the info already public.

    You have a smart question when it comes to why Maxwell is in jail if the buyers are not.
    It is a "transaction" after all. Buyer and seller.

    What makes this "national security" is another great question because the key rumors are the FBI and Israel's intelligence agencies were funding this sick dog vomit of a human to entrap these people.

    Which would then allow these buyers to get out of their court case because entrapment is illegal.

    And that's why i believe we will never know more than we already do.
    How and Why take the buyers to trial if the way they were caught was by illegal means ?
    You'll NEVER secure a conviction if that is true.
    I feel sorry for Pam regarding these dog vomit humans.

  7. The United States as formed under The Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights & Constitution no longer exists; the US has been widdled down by globalist banking cartels, closet communists, pagan secret societies since the idea to leave England entered our founding fathers minds…. the worst part is all the groups interests converge and now they all destroy this country in different phases.

  8. Will these people connected to other powers of position be "TAKEN".I think other actions we disagree with connected to status will implement other major belligerent crimes against humanity masked legitimacy!!

  9. It is all a charade. I love what our president has done to make our nation great again, but all of these politicians are corrupt. Even Pam. She has been instructed to cover. We'll never get the truth. People should to stop expecting anything different.

  10. I consider this a nutball channel fueled by clickbait so I rarely watch it anymore. But it seems to me most of us believe that Jeffrey Epstein was a pimp and a blackmailer. I'd like to see Epstein's client list just out of a lurid curiosity but, given that charges will ever be filed, I don't think it's anybody's RIGHT to know who his clients were. Under my theory they were targeted to be victims of a crime. If they aren't going to be charged as criminals themselves then it's not really my business, is it? And frankly I'm sick of the church lady moral grandstanding around Epstein and his crimes. He should have been in prison, sure. But there were chicks who were fucking in my junior high and I'm sure it wouldn't take much to induce some of them to fuck for money when they were in high school. It's illegal and it should be but calling "the victims" "children" is too much.

  11. Great to see you again, Roman. Your YouTube reporting and the publication (The Epoch Times) are Journalism I trust. Yes, I do so hope The Epstein Files truly get released. The GUILTY have to be EXPOSED and PUNISHED. Stay well, My Friend.

  12. It has been years, the Victims are no longer children. As much as the identities of the Victims need to remain private, WHY don't the Victims and their Family's just come out and say WHO the EVIL-DOERS were / are…

    At least that way, they
    (the victims) CAN CONTROL the narrative.

    WHY WAIT for the documents to "be released".

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