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Why Is Jill Biden Now Serving As President? * * by Noah

NEWS HEADLINES: Why Is Jill Biden Now Serving As President? * * by Noah

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Who is ACTUALLY President right now?

That shouldn’t be a hard question, but your options are:

Joe Biden

Kamala Harris

Donald Trump?

Jill Biden

That last option just took a commanding lead, seemingly now stepping in for Joe Biden in multiple ways.

This is wild, check this out:

Here she is running a Cabinet meeting:

Sorry, I don’t recall anyone electing her?

(I don’t recall anyone electing Joe either, but that’s a story for a different day)

What is going on here?

Not only that, but her name has now been added to the Presidential Seal?

Is this even legal?

CNN had more details:

President Joe Biden wrapped a meeting with his Cabinet on Friday, his first high-profile convening of his advisers in a year as he tries to set his post-presidential legacy.

Ahead of the meeting, a White House official said Biden would instruct Cabinet members to “sprint to the finish,” as he looks to burnish legacy items while ensuring as much of his agenda is implemented before a potential second Trump presidency.

“He will direct his Cabinet to get as much work done as possible – whether that is moving funding out the door, announcing new programs or policies or delivering on programs and policies we have already announced,” the official said.

Coming almost a year after he last convened his Cabinet, and exactly four months until the next president is inaugurated, Biden’s position at Friday’s meeting was drastically different from when he last spoke to his top officials.

He is no longer a candidate for president, and is now staring down his final months in office. His unexpected withdrawal from the race over the summer prompted White House officials to urgently assemble his final-months agenda that hadn’t been considered before his decision.

Biden wants to ensure Americans know what he accomplished while also making irreversible as much of his record as possible, should former President Donald Trump return to the Oval Office.

“He will be clear about making sure we show the American people what the Biden-Harris administration has delivered for them. And, he will tell his Cabinet to bring to him directly any hurdles or obstacles they are facing to get things done,” the official said ahead of the meeting.

The official pointed to significant progress just in the last few weeks, including economic milestones like a cut in interest rates and the “largest and most complicated prisoner swap in American history.”

Still, major items on Biden’s to-do list remain unresolved, most notably a ceasefire and hostage deal in the Middle East. Administration officials have serious doubts a deal can be struck before Biden leaves office, and tensions in the region are only escalating.

Ahead of the meeting, Biden called on Congress to pass a short-term funding bill before the government runs out of money next week and said the “only path forward” was by “working across the aisle.”

“Before I begin this Cabinet meeting, I want to discuss very briefly the need for Congress to pass a continuing resolution,” the president said. “It’s critical.”

He noted there were only 10 days left for Congress to pass a short-term bill “that gives them more time to deliver on our national defense, veterans, hardworking families, what we’ve already appropriated.”

The president pointed out there were four months left in his administration and said he would keep “running through the tape because the vice president and I are determined to keep making sure that democracy delivers what the American people are asking for.”

“We need to continue to implement the historic laws we passed,” Biden said. “They’ve allowed us to invest in America, rebuild our infrastructure and implement our historic laws.”

The president also faced questions on current events, such as the recent strikes in Lebanon by Israel.

Speaking of the Presidential seal…you know who is also still using it?

Have you seen this?

BREAK-50: President Trump Is STILL Using The Presidential Seal!

This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.

View the original article here.

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