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NEWS HEADLINES: White House Declares Electrical Grid “Unreliable” * * by Noah

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“The energy and critical minerals […] of the United States are all far too inadequate to meet our Nation’s needs.”

According to this new and official government report, the previous administration has driven our Nation into a national emergency.

Where supply doesn’t meet demand…

And our power grid is increasingly becoming more and more unreliable by the day.

Experts would always refer to our grid as our “Nation’s Achilles Heel…”

Because it’s always been our weak point.

A weak point our enemies have repeatedly tried to exploit.

Cyberattacks on US utilities grew by 70% last year.

Do you think they’re going to stop now that they know we’re in a national crisis situation?

Or will they double down on them?

Russia And China Have Developed Super-EMP Weapons That Could Leave America In The Dark

And cause an extended blackout for God-knows-how-long…

If they were waiting for the perfect moment to strike…

This could be it.

A successful EMP attack would mean that all electronics would cease to work.

Including our power grid!

Can you imagine having no power in the middle of winter?

No way to stay warm?

No way to cook food?

No way to power essential medical devices?

Most Americans wouldn’t survive…

That’s why we poured our hearts and souls into creating a way American Patriots can protect their families from what could be coming…

Introducing The Grid Doctor 3300

The First Solar Generator EVER With Built-In EMP Intercept Technology

+ FREE Waterproof 200 Watt Solar Panel If You Order Today!

We’ve taken one of the best-selling, most powerful, most versatile solar generators on the market, the original Grid Doctor 3300…

And re-engineered the electronics inside with revolutionary EMP Intercept Technology.

And since you’re one of our loyal readers, we’d like to offer you the chance to acquire it before anyone else.

Essentially, it works like a surge protector on steroids.

You’re probably familiar with surge protectors… the little power strips that let you plug multiple devices into one outlet?

They protect your devices from small power surges caused by electrical storms or short circuits.

Well imagine that times a million.

Because EMP Intercept Technology automatically detects the tell-tale signature of an Electromagnetic Pulse…

And engages an industrial-grade protection circuit in just 3 nanoseconds.

This means that unlike other generators you’ll see online…

EMPs can’t touch this generator!

That’s why, in our humble opinion, it’s the best solar generator system on the market.

It’s so powerful it’ll easily run the BIG stuff in your house…

And durable it’s practically bulletproof.

Packing an industry-leading 3300 Watts of potentially life-saving power, you can use this generator to power just about anything…

  • A Full-sized refrigerator

  • Your furnace

  • Heavy-duty power tools like table saws, air compressors, etc.

  • Multiple space heaters

  • Portable AC units

  • Whole circuits in your home

  • An entire RV or camper

And much more!

So don’t postpone this a second later.

We’re currently in a state of National Energy Emergency.

Click Here To Get The Grid Doctor 3300And Protect Your Loved Ones Now

+ FREE Waterproof 200 Watt Solar Panel If You Order Today!

This is a Guest Post from our friends over at WLTReport.

View the original article here.

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