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Time To Stock Up? Strike Looms Next Week At Ports From Maine To Texas * * by Danielle

NEWS HEADLINES: Time To Stock Up? Strike Looms Next Week At Ports From Maine To Texas * * by Danielle

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A strike looms for the second-busiest U.S. ocean container port and dozens of ports from Maine to Texas.

“Strike preparations are underway at the Port of New York-New Jersey, Port Director Bethann Rooney said in a letter to customers, offering details on operational plans during the stoppage,” FreightWaves reports.

Per FreightWaves:

The International Longshoremen’s Association representing 25,000 members in container and roll-on/roll-off services covered under the current master contract will walk off the job when the contract with port employers represented by the United States Maritime Alliance (USMX) expires at midnight Oct. 1. The pact covers workers at three dozen ports from Maine to Texas handling some $92 billion worth of freight each year.

No contract negotiations are scheduled. Major issues are wages, benefits and port automation.

The union on Monday termed the latest wage offers “stingy” and disputed claims by USMX that the union is demanding wage hikes of more than 75% over a proposed six-year agreement.

Some people warned to stock up due to the looming strike.

From the Associated Press:

The ports are asking for immediate relief, an order requiring the union to resume bargaining. It was unclear just how fast the NLRB might act on the request. A message was left seeking comment from the agency. Its unlikely that the NLRB will rule on the complaint before the Tuesday strike deadline, and with no talks scheduled, a strike appears to be likely.

The NLRB request comes just four days before the ILA’s six-year contract with the ports expires, and the union representing 45,000 dockworkers from Maine to Texas says it will go on strike at 12:01 a.m. on Tuesday.

The two sides haven’t bargained since June in a dispute largely over wages and a union-proposed ban on increased automation of port cranes, gates and trucks that could cost jobs.

A message also was left Thursday seeking comment from the union.

“USMX has been clear that we value the work of the ILA and have great respect for its members,” the alliance statement said. “We have a shared history of working together and are committed to bargaining.”

In early bargaining, industry analysts say the union sought 77% pay raises over six years to make up for inflation and give workers a chunk of the billions made by shipping companies since the coronavirus pandemic.


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